28 Mag Showcase Their First Grimdark Fantasy Miniature

August 23, 2022 by brennon

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The folks at 28 Mag have joined forces with Andrew May of Black Crab Miniatures/Meridian Miniatures in order to create their first 28mm grimdark Fantasy miniature. See what you think!

28 Miniature Art - Nicky Grillet

28 Miniature Concept Art // Nicky Grillet

The artwork for the first miniature came from Nicky Grillet and manages to capture the 28 Mag aesthetic. It's got grimdark but with a bunch of charm and certainly works alongside their love of the likes of Mordheim and Warhammer Fantasy.

The miniature then comes from the fine hand of Andrew May who has been doing some stunning work on Kickstarter over the last while.

28 Miniature Sculpt - Black Crab Miniatures

28 Miniature Sculpt // Black Crab Miniatures

As well as creating a miniature that could just be painted as soon as it has been assembled, the other focus was that 28 wanted a miniature that could be converted and tinkered with. To that end, the miniature is meant to be cut up, chopped to pieces and customised with all manner of different bitz if you prefer.

They are encouraging people to cut off the hands, legs and head in order to stick new things in their place. Get creative!

The miniature is going to be out there in the wild in the near future so make sure to keep an eye out to find out where you can get it. This is hopefully going to be the first in a range of miniatures.

What do you think?

"They are encouraging people to cut off the hands, legs and head in order to stick new things in their place. Get creative!"

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