AdeptiCon Registration Is Open!

November 19, 2018 by deltagamegirl22

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Can you believe it's that time already? AdeptiCon registration is open and the new system is working beautifully! They've changed the cart process this year, which has translated to a much easier and less stressful checkout. In a bold move, the organization chose to move eligibility for the VIG badges to a lottery system this year.

To qualify, you had to register in the first six hours that registration was open and select the option to be included in the drawing. From there, Adepticon will let you know if you've been chosen. (fingers crossed, I'm waiting to hear!)

Though not a popular choice among some, the decision has made registration much easier for everyone. Instead of getting all the way through to check out, only to find out that the VIG option was no longer available and having to go alter you choices, which in turn took more time, and in that time one of your seminars may have sold out, which changes your options again... you get the idea. This year, is no muss, no fuss. Well done, Adepticon.

The impressive lineup you've come to expect from the show has continued with a myriad of hobby stars in the mix for seminars and loads of events to round out the perfect gaming weekend.

I cannot wait to see what surprises Games Workshop has in store at their exciting Studio Preview this year and Fantasy Flight Games is pulling out all the stops with their Star Wars line-up as well as KeyForge.

Just in case you needed another reason to attend Adepticon, I'll just leave this here...

Gianna and I will be talking more about all things Adepticon in the next few months as we lead up to the convention and of course, we'll be live blogging from Adepticon.

What are you looking forward to from Adepticon this year?

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