Baccus Put Together 6mm Armies For Little War’s Ravenfeast

September 6, 2023 by brennon

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A little while back, Little Wars TV created a set of rules called Ravenfeast which could be used for Dark Age wargaming. A lot of people play the game in 28mm but Little Wars TV also created a set of rules for playing out BIG battles using tiny miniatures. Well, Baccus 6mm have now created packs that you can use to play out those engagements!

Saxon Huscarls - Baccus 6mm

Saxon Huscarls // Baccus 6mm

You can currently get your hands on 6mm sets that cover the Saxons, Vikings, Normans, Rus and Byzantines as part of their range. So, if you're looking to play as one of the armies from the Early Medieval period, they pretty much have you covered. The additional sets that they have bundled together allow you to play out the different Ravenfeast scenarios from the year 1066.

Viking Armoured Spearmen - Baccus 6mm

Viking Armoured Spearmen // Baccus 6mm

So, you can now buy full armies for the Saxons, Vikings and Normans that have been designed to match the scenarios from the 1066 campaign. As folks will know, the Baccus 6mm range is pretty well regarded and so it's nice to see them create these bundles for playing out the campaign.

Norman Armoured Cavalry - Baccus 6mm

Norman Armoured Cavalry // Baccus 6mm

You should therefore be able to cover the battles at Fulford Gate, Stamford Bridge and Hastings with these forces. Being 6mm, these packs also don't cost the earth and that means you can spend some more time working on building accurate gaming tables to match the aforementioned battles.

Ravenfeast 1066 Campaign - Baccus 6mm

Ravenfeast 1066 Campaign // Baccus 6mm

If you want to learn more about Ravenfeast, you can find all of the FREE resources HERE. It might be a good way to play out the later half of this year, especially with the anniversary of Hastings coming up fast!

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"You should therefore be able to cover the battles at Fulford Gate, Stamford Bridge and Hastings with these forces..."

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