Bad Roll Reveal Punkapocalyptic’s More Disturbing Denizens

March 15, 2019 by dracs

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Bad Roll are showing off some of the painted minis from their Punkapocalyptic Kickstarter that will soon be up for sale.

Ganger's Guna Slice Ya!

A new ganger is ready to join your band, bringing his vicious knife and eclectic fashion sense with him.

This ganger has made himself some armour through the time honoured means of strapping any old bits of metal to himself.

The KFC stomach plate is a particularly nice touch, giving us an idea of their character and the world they now live in.

Human Hatred

Even stranger are the disturbing duo Kim & Bashinger.

These two mutards are filled with hatred for humanity. A terrifying mix of brain and brawn, the sculpts are utterly repulsive yet still carry the over-the-top character that marks out Punkapocalyptic.

Which Punkapocalyptic miniature is your favourite? 

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