Deep Space Horror Miniatures Coming Soon From Westfalia!

April 4, 2024 by brennon

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Westfalia Miniatures have paired up with Boris Woloszyn once again for an awesome-looking Sci-Fi Kickstarter called Dark Objects. The aim is to produce an awesome range of new 28mm miniatures featuring the good and the downright evil.

Dark Objects Kickstarter - Westfalia Miniatures

Dark Objects Kickstarter // Westfalia Miniatures

Boris and the team have done an absolutely amazing job once again. If you were looking for some ace miniatures with a cool DOOM vibe to them then you've found your collection! Some great previews have been popping up recently including the likes of these floating demons.

Space Demon - Westfalia Miniatures

Space Demon // Westfalia Miniatures

Packed with character and detail as you'd imagine. I can already hear the soundtrack that you're going to be playing when diving into painting these miniatures.

Big Space Demon - Westfalia Miniatures

Big Space Demon // Westfalia Miniatures

It wouldn't be a Deep Space Horror range without someone to battle these demons and that's where this fellow comes in, sculpted recently by Boris to lead your Marines.

Marine Captain - Westfalia Miniatures

Marine Captain // Westfalia Miniatures

Rip and tear. Another great miniature for the collection and there's much more where that came from. It's great to see more Sci-Fi miniatures coming out of this collaboration. I do really like the Fantasy ranges that they have been producing but it's good to have a switch every now and then.

There are some freaky monsters and badass troopers on the way for this campaign so watch this space.

Will you be checking out Dark Objects?

"There are some freaky monsters and badass troopers on the way for this campaign so watch this space..."

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