Generals, Skirmishers & More For Black Powder Epic Battles’ Civil War

March 15, 2021 by brennon

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Warlord Games are continuing to build on their 15mm range for Black Powder Epic Battles and the American Civil War. A whole host of new pre-orders went live over the weekend allowing to add a wider variety of units and characters into the mix.

Confederate Command - Black Powder Epic Battles

Confederate Command // Black Powder Epic Battles

Leading these releases, we have two new sets of Command figures which can be dropped into your games. Both the Confederate and Union sets come with two named characters and a Mounted Standard Bearer for use as a generic HQ choice as well.

Union Command - Black Powder Epic Battles

Union Command // Black Powder Epic Battles

Within the Confederate set, you get Robert E. Lee and Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson whilst with the Union you get George Meade and Ulysses S. Grant. The Lee and Meade figures are different poses from those available when Black Powder Epic Battles first launched if you're interested in switching things up.

Dismounted Cavalry & Skirmishers

Useful for both the Confederate and the Union, there are also two new sets of miniatures that can be used to bulk up your force. The first is a pack of Dismounted Cavalry who have ridden to a particular objective and are now fighting on foot.

Dismounted Cavalry - Black Powder Epic Battles

Dismounted Cavalry // Black Powder Epic Battles

Considering how cavalry was going the way of the dodo (at least in its traditional form) because of more powerful weapons, this set is a very handy way of showing off how they would often have been used. As well as being used to harry the enemy and threaten the flanks they would also have been deployed as fast reaction units. Why charge into a thicket of bayonets when you could outmanoeuvre the enemy and take control of key locations behind enemy lines?

You also have a new set of Skirmishers who could be used to screen attack or scout ahead and watch for the enemy advance.

Civil War Skirmishers - Black Powder Epic Battles

Civil War Skirmishers // Black Powder Epic Battles

Skirmishers were there to draw fire and panic the enemy so that the main body of an army could deliver a final blow. When the woods are full of rifles and you can't make out the two-man teams hunkering down behind cover, you've suddenly got a lot of different things to think about as a beleaguered enemy force.

Whilst this set could represent your standard band of skirmishers they folks at Warlord also proposed that they be used as Berdan's Sharpshooters on the Union side to the Rebel Whitworth Sharpshooters.

Take Command & Protect Objectives

If you're looking to field smaller units or just want to add more leaders into your ranks then you can also pre-order the new Command Strips from Warlord Games.

Civil War Command Strips - Black Powder Epic Battles

Civil War Command Strips // Black Powder Epic Battles

Useful for both sides, this set gives you five Command Strips which can be used to break down the larger units you've already got. You replace the front rank with these and then mix and match those with others to create a tiny fighting force.

Most battles aren't just fought to simply wipe out the enemy either. Most of the time taking key objectives and stopping supply lines can have a crippling effect on the enemy. That's where the new Limber and Wagon packs come in.

Civil War Limber - Black Powder Epic Battles

Civil War Limber // Black Powder Epic Battles

Civil War Wagon - Black Powder Epic Battles

Civil War Wagon // Black Powder Epic Battles

Both of these sets are designed to add colour, flavour and narrative to your games. The Limber set can be used to show the movement of the artillery within your force and the Wagon to show where ammunition and supplies are being ferried. To that end, they make perfect objectives for your Skirmishers and Dismounted Cavalry to attack, both of which we saw earlier.

These newest sets from Warlord Games aren't going to be released until June so you've still got plenty of time to paint up the wealth of models for Epic Battles that already exist.

Are you liking the direction Warlord Games is going with this range?

"These newest sets from Warlord Games aren't going to be released until June so you've still got plenty of time to paint up the wealth of models for Epic Battles that already exist..."

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