Face Grim Fantasy Terrors In 15mm With Slave2Gaming

November 3, 2020 by brennon

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The folks at Slave2Gaming are back with more Grim Fantasy options for those looking to take on terrors on the tabletop in 15mm. A selection of new Fantasy characters and something terrifyingly ominous are available for you to snap up from their webstore.

Grim Fantasy Character Pack #1 - Slave 2 Gaming

Grim Fantasy Character Pack #1 // Slave2Gaming

The first pack introduces four new options which are both terrifyingly haunted and heroic. In this set, you get a Headless Horseman (Mounted & On Foot) plus a Scarecrow Spellweaver and finally The Witch Hunter.

I really like the Headless Horseman, a classic staple of horror and grim fantasy. The Witch Hunter is also a good way to stop all of these terrors. I immediately started thinking about a scenario where The Witch Hunter has to battle against the Horseman on a rickety old wooden bridge.

There is also a second pack of characters which you can use as key elements of your next scenario.

Grim Fantasy Character Pack #2 - Slave 2 Gaming

Grim Fantasy Character Pack #2 // Slave2Gaming

In this set, you'll find the Preacher, the Drunk, the Butcher and the Blacksmith. This adds more character to your collection of townsfolk and provides you with a few more targets for the Headless Horseman's ire! I like to think that you have to work out clues placed around the tabletop by a Games Master which point to which unfortunate soul is the next target of the Horseman and his sword.

Finally, we have something pretty big. You could either use The Grim here as an actual character in the game or as something more ominous simply watching from the stop of a plinth.

The Grim - Slave 2 Gaming

The Grim // Slave2Gaming

Maybe you could have this monstrous Grim tracking some of the characters across the tabletop. As they roll and whiff, their misfortune brings the attention of The Grim upon them and if it manages to get into base-to-base contact with one of the characters, they get the scythe!

Are you tempted by these new 15mm offerings?

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