Lady Macbeth Sees A Dagger Before Her From Bad Squiddo

February 23, 2023 by brennon

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Bad Squiddo Games added an awesome new miniature into the mix for those seeking a new female character to perhaps lead their forces on the tabletop. Look no further than the impressive Lady Macbeth.

Lady Macbeth - Bad Squiddo Games

Lady Macbeth // Bad Squiddo Games

Based on the artwork by John Singer Sargent, this miniature has been sculpted by Shane Hoyle and added to the Bad Squiddo store. I think the miniature is looking excellent and would be great in your skirmish games, be they Fantasy or Historical.

Lady Macbeth Inspiration - Bad Squiddo Games

Lady Macbeth Inspiration // Bad Squiddo Games

I like the idea of using her in a game like Frostgrave as a character that your warbands run into as they are walking through the ruins of Felstad. Imagine if they come upon this lady, muttering to herself and talking about the prophecy that surrounds her and her husband. I think she would look excellent when painted up in a slightly darker scheme, perhaps with blood dripping from her hands and that crown that she has clutched above her head.

What do you make of this new miniature?

"I like the idea of using her in a game like Frostgrave as a character that your warbands run into as they are walking through the ruins of Felstad..."

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