Meet A Monstrous Creature From Mythic Games’ Reichbusters: Projekt Vril

October 6, 2018 by brennon

It has been all quiet on the Reichbusters: Projekt Vril front for a while now but Mythic Games has started ramping up the hype once more with this amazing paint job by Seb Lavigne on this HUGE beast from the game.

Reichbusters Projekt Vril Monster - Mythic Games

This is one of the experimental big baddies from the game and as you can see he is titanic. It's going to take a particular type of hero to bring this monstrous mass of muscle and iron down. There's a nice mix in aesthetics here between something from DOOM and Wolfenstein but with a few stylistic changes too.

Lavigne is also an amazing painter and it's no surprise that Mythic Games worked with him once again to get this model painted. A fantastic piece that gives you a hint as to what you'll be facing out there in the darkness.

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"A fantastic piece that gives you a hint as to what you'll be facing out there in the darkness..."

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