Osmoticmeld Brings The Art Of Ian Miller To The Tabletop!

January 25, 2022 by brennon

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Osmoticmeld is a fascinating project that brings together the amazing art of Ian Miller with the sculpting talent of John Robertson (Myriad Miniatures). The project is now live on Kickstarter and features some utterly wild and unique miniatures for painters and wargamers.

Osmoticmeld - Myriad Miniatures

Osmoticmeld // Myriad Miniatures

Ian Miller's artwork will be familiar to those who love their Oldhammer. His work was integral to the formation of the vision for many a Warhammer miniature in the past and you'll most likely find his work in a fair few old rulebooks!

Rusty & Rattus Toxo - Myriad Miniatures

Rusty & Rattus Toxo // Myriad Miniatures

So, thanks to a chance encounter online, the talent of Ian Miller is now being realised in 28mm metal (and resin) miniatures due to the sculpting skills of Robertson. A number of Miller's sketches and larger art pieces have been chosen and are becoming fully-fledged miniatures in their own right that should make Oldhammer fans drool.

It's not just smaller character sculpts in the mix either. There are also some larger pieces like this strange and esoteric Spindle Dragon here.

Spindle Dragon - Myriad Miniatures

Spindle Dragon // Myriad Miniatures

The miniatures have been designed to match that Oldhammer feel in almost every aspect. They are going to be, as mentioned above, crafted in metal (and resin for larger parts). They are also not for the faint-hearted as some will probably need pinning. That's not to say that all of the miniatures will be a challenge! The smaller character sculpts should be fine for people starting out!

I think it goes without saying that these miniatures are, well, stunning. Take a look at these...

Osmoticmeld Sculpts - Myriad Miniatures

Osmoticmeld Sculpts // Myriad Miniatures

Osmoticmeld Miniatures Painted - Myriad Miniatures

Osmoticmeld Miniatures Painted // Myriad Miniatures

With a lot of people currently looking back when it comes to the hobby, I think these seem like a perfect project for an Oldhammer fan. They benefit, obviously, from modern sculpting techniques which makes these stand out. I don't think you could call these "static" for example or lacking in character.

There are a number of pledge levels for you to consider as part of the Kickstarter. Additionally, the range is also expanding as more is unlocked. As you might have guessed, the project is very well funded.

Are you going to be picking up some of these miniatures?

"...the talent of Ian Miller is now being realised in 28mm metal (and resin) miniatures due to the sculpting skills of Robertson"

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