Spellcrow Build On 10mm Argatoria With New Heroes

December 14, 2020 by brennon

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Spellcrow has been showing off a few more small scale additions to their miniature collection recently. Argatoria is their 10mm wargame which features barbarians, reptilian warriors and more and their recent selection of options help reinforce a few armies.

Dirandis Heroes - Spellcrow

Dirandis Heroes // Spellcrow

One of their most recent set of releases is this pack of Dirandis Heroes which can be used to lead your forces into battle either through martial or magical means. Each of the miniatures was sculpted by Piotr Pirianowicz and Marek Rurarz and this particular pack comes with four heroes and those rocks which feature the Dirandis runes.

As well as these new wild characters which are looking pretty cool we also have some additional units for those playing as the Arox in Argatoria. Here are some of The Sanctified.

The Sanctified - Spellcrow

The Sanctified // Spellcrow

I'm not as much of a fan of these froggy individuals as the Dirandis above but they do look like they should be fun to paint! It's always nice seeing more models in this smaller scale which might end up being the direction I go in the future when it comes to playing mass battle games.

In addition to a lot of new miniatures, we also had some terrain from the folks at Spellcrow like this Enchanted Wood.

Enchanted Woods - Spellcrow

Enchanted Woods // Spellcrow

You get a nice sense of scale when it comes to building up a tabletop in this scale I reckon. Rather than only having a few pieces on the tabletop you can start to show off larger pieces of terrain and work these fascinating pieces into play without feeling like you've got to paint an absolute monolith!

Are you tempted to pick up some of the 10mm range from Spellcrow?

"Are you tempted to pick up some of the 10mm range from Spellcrow?"

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