Spellcrow Unveil Their Dastardly Dark Faun For Umbra Turris

December 3, 2019 by brennon

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Spellcrow has been showing off another new model in the mix for the world of Umbra Turris. Here we have their snarling Dark Faun.

Dark Faun Teaser - Spellcrow

This would make for a good Beastman leader in your warband, raising his blood-covered axe in order to slice someone in half. His curling horns and flowing locks give you the impression of him being quite the heroic individual. I also love the collection of skulls about his belt which have been taken from his prey.

The model has a really nice classic look to it and would be a good fit for a lot of different Fantasy games.

What do you make of their preview?

"I also love the collection of skulls about his belt which have been taken from his prey..."

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