Spellcrow Release Argatoria & New 10mm Starter Armies

April 5, 2022 by brennon

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The folks at Spellcrow have now released the rules for their 10mm Fantasy wargame, Argatoria in both digital and physical formats. The rules were also accompanied by a selection of Starter Armies to get you going!

Argatoria Rulebook - Spellcrow

Argatoria Rulebook // Spellcrow

Now, the twist is that the Rulebook is currently only available in Polish. So, it's great in that regard but we'll still have to wait a little bit for there to be rules available in English. There are rules in there for running your games plus a colour section introducing the different armies and how to paint your new 10mm armies.

New Argatoria Starter Armies

Talking of armies, there are four of them for you to dive into. Even if you can't read the rules right now, you can still get their Starter Armies and make a good dent in the collection before an update arrives.

Arox Starter Army - Spellcrow

Arox Starter Army // Spellcrow

Sorgax Starter Army - Spellcrow

Sorgax Starter Army // Spellcrow

On the one side, you have the reptilian forces of the Argox and the Sorgax. You get a really fun set of regular troopers and monsters to throw into the midst of battle alongside heroic generals. If you're looking for a game to play whilst you wait for Argatoria then you could always dive into Fantastic Battles!

If lizards aren't your thing, you can also check out some human warriors with the Dirandis and the Vaendral.

Dirandis Starter Army - Spellcrow

Dirandis Starter Army // Spellcrow

Vaendral Starter Army - Spellcrow

Vaendral Starter Army // Spellcrow

I really like that the folks at Spellcrow have come at things from two very different angles. You can play as the jungle-based lizard-folk or the raging barbarians descending down from the mountains. It's pretty fire and ice!

All of the miniatures from these different Starter Armies are also available separately. Once you've picked one of these up and worked out your favourite units, you can simply add a few more of them later on down the line.

Are you tempted to give Argatoria a go?

"You can play as the jungle-based lizard-folk or the raging barbarians descending down from the mountains..."

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