Woloszyn Sculpts Up A Superb Twist On A Familiar Dark Lord

August 10, 2020 by brennon

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Boris Woloszyn has done it again. Working with Westfalia Miniatures to produce some new miniatures for (I assume) an upcoming Darkest Crate, he has sculpted up this fantastic take on the one and only Darth Vader but done as a Fallen Paladin from Fantasy perspective.

Fallen Paladin & Guards - Westfalia Miniatures

Fallen Paladin & Guards // Westfalia Miniatures

The idea was born out of a conversation which then turned into a concept sketch (see below). I think it's fantastic considering what we've already seen from Boris Woloszyn and his work on Death Tracker and associated range which is inspired by The Mandalorian.

The silhouette and frame of "Vader" are there but then everything has been given a serious Fantasy twist. I like the nods towards the inspiration for the character in the helmet and neck guard and I think this will look even more impressive once it has been given a lick of paint. Also, those "Stormtroopers" are very cool as his loyal retinue.

You just know that this fellow needs to be painted up in a rich black with a glowing red magical sword to match the sorcerous energies in his outstretched hand too; much like this artwork...

Fallen Paladin Art - Westfalia Miniatures

Fallen Paladin Art // Westfalia Miniatures

Now all that remains to be seen is how this fellow gets released. As mentioned above, he could be part of a Darkest Crate in the future or just released right onto the webstore. They are still in the very early stages of bringing this miniature and his companions to life so it might be a while yet. Until then, there were some whispers on Boris' Facebook Page about him maybe doing a certain smuggler and his wild "pet"...

What do you think of this Fallen Paladin?

"There were some whispers on Boris' Facebook Page about him maybe doing a certain smuggler and his wild "pet"..."

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