Hasslefree Preview The Lioness Of Brittany & More New Miniatures

October 30, 2020 by brennon

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Hasslefree Miniatures has been working away on some new miniatures for a variety of different companies and also something for themselves too. We start with a miniature for Bad Squiddo Games in The Lioness Of Brittany called Jeanne de Clisson.

Jeanne de Clisson - Hasslefree Miniatures

Jeanne de Clisson // Hasslefree Miniatures

This new miniature looks absolutely awesome and would make an excellent character to use in your roleplaying games as a Fighter or Paladin. She would also work really well in a proper Medieval game too, a female warrior leading the way against terrifying odds on the battlefield and avenging her fallen kin. She did actually exist and you can find out more about her HERE.

As always, the sculpting from the Hasslefree folk is top-notch and there are plenty of nice details across the miniature to sink your teeth into. I love the style of the hair and the rather rabid creature that she has on her shield, ready to tackle whatever comes.

Sticking with female miniatures we also have a new character for Otherworld Miniatures. This here is a Lady Mage...

Lady Mage - Hasslefree Miniatures

Lady Mage // Hasslefree Miniatures

She is in the midst of casting a spell, using her magical powers to summon up something terrible to smite her foes with. Again, she would make an excellent looking hero for a roleplaying game but she would also work very well in a game like Frostgrave. I think she'd make a great leader for your new warband as they head to Felstad.

Finally, we have something Orc related for Orktober. Here we have Klapsung The Orc who looks exceptionally refined considering the way his race is normally represented.

Klapsung The Orc - Hasslefree Miniatures

Klapsung The Orc // Hasslefree Miniatures

There is a little more to do to the miniature but I think this fellow looks super fun. I think he'd make a great guard for an Orc warband, watching out over a rain-soaked castle wall to see what miscreants are hovering around down below. Even the most dastardly of Orcs like some pipeweed now and again whilst relaxing by a fire in their watchtower!

Are you tempted by these new sculpts from Hasslefree Miniatures?

"Are you tempted by these new sculpts from Hasslefree Miniatures?"

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