Star Wars Legion by Mage
Recommendations: 130
About the Project
After holding out for months and helping a friend on his own core set, I have started Star Wars Legion! I know next to nothing about the game system but love Star Wars and have an idea in my head for armies. So won't you join me on this journey as we see my ideas crystallize into miniature/blog form?
Related Game: Star Wars: Legion
Related Company: Fantasy Flight Games
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is On Hold
What to do next?
What to do what to do… Well, maybe I should actually finish something. This weekend I will try and make serious headway with the Magma Troopers and finsih Fett. Stay tuned! Seriously, I haven’t finished anything yet and badly need to. Bare with me, you wont be disappointed.
Boba Fett, Part 3
Does one of Star Wars most iconic and recognizable characters deserve numerous, quickfire succesion and back to back blog entries? Yes, yes he does.
This one will be shorter though. As you might tell I love the mini and might pic up a few dups to convert Jango and possible paint one in the colours of the holiday special Boba Fett.
Then again, painting a converted army of Mandalorians might be fun too…
Boba Fett, Part 2
I had some amount of fun painting Boba Fett. I used the below pictures as research and reference for painting him, taken from Google images.
As you can see, the references help. Boba Fett is coming on nicely, but he isn’t quite done yet.
Boba Fett, Part 1
Its been a little while since I updated this. I’ve been putting the last touches on a seperate AoS project which I will be putting up later. Also I have been working on Ork/Orc stuff with it being Orktober.
I ordered Boba Fett. He arrived, and it was glorious.
I cut his leg and used a paper clip and green stuff to re-position him. There is no tutorial for this as it took a while for me to get it right and wasn’t quick. Also an element of trial and error was involved.
I went on to prime him, and you can see him in a new position which I prefer:
Especially since dozens, if not hundreds of people will assemble him as-is out of the box. This is the ‘default’ pose. I’d love to hear people’s thoughts in the comment section. Part 2 will show progress shots of the paint job.
Inspiration for my Stormtroopers
When Legion was preview and later released, I, like many others was excited to do an Imperial Army. However I wanted to fight the painful, boring, poor results of the task of painting an army of White Stormtroopers. So for a while I have been looking at other options.
I had considered Death Troopers after Rogue One. I even saw Grey Stormtroopers on a Lego Kit and googled them. Not to mention expanded universe stuff from computer games and comic books.
Eventually I decided on something along these lines
These guys would be led by Darth Vader, and since they operate on certain environments (volcanic) and Mustafar (Darth Vader’s base planet) is one of them, I figured he’d have some of his own house guard accompanying him.
EDIT: They dont look as orange in person.
Assembled and primed Rebel Infantry
The title does what it says. Im loving Zandri Dust spraypaint. Also, keep an eye out for some conversions I haven’t shown yet 😉
Converting Heavy Troopers, Part 3
Here are the assembled and primed. The first are Clone Trooper Commando types.
EDIT: Added two more pics in at the end of individual Clone Troopers 🙂
Finally onto the Dark Trooper 2 / Heavy Stormtroopers, I still have not decided what they will be…
Squad 1 has long blasters and grenade launchers while Squad 2 has shorter range blasters and flamethrowers.
Converting Heavy Troopers,Part 2
With the head in hand, I mixed some Green Stuff together.
So, cut some green stuff and add a little water (to stop it from rubbing off on your hands) and mixed it together
I smooshed the green stuff down in the gap and flattened it, applying glue first. This was to let the smaller heads of the WotC minis not sink down too much and look out of scale.
Okay, that is it for part two, Part 3 will have all the assembled models and primed. There will be Clone Troopers and Im not sure if the Rebellion Era models will be Dark Troopers or just Heavy Stormtroopers. Thanks for reading. Also, please leave a comment if you feel like it.
Converting Heavy Troopers, Part 1
So, a bit of a tease, rather than complete the bases tutorial I have been butterflying around Star Wars Legion. I’ve been priming, repairing and converting all day but not actually painting the miniatures. I also did some converting yesterday (none of which have been pictured yet).
I started with these as the idea:
… and yes I am aware some of these dudes are Clone Troopers. This is also an idea that is part of what I am doing here on this post:
Particularly, the Phase 2 Dark Trooper (which is technically a Droid):
With an Eisenkern kit and some old bendy Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Models I began converting. Green stuff was involved. I assembled the Eisenkern with no heads or loin cloths:
The conversions and primed models will be included in part 2!
Painting Volcanic Waste Bases, part 1: rocks
These are the bases for the Scout Treater speeder bikes. They are bigger than the bases that the infantry models come on but the same technique can be used.
(1) Prime them Chaos Black
(2) Get a granite coloured paint. In my case I used the oop Chardon Granite, but there are plenty of paints out there like it. Stormvermin fur from GW is close but dries kind of oddly. Failing that, use a similar dark grey instead. Paint the rocky part of the base liberally. It is important to have a good basecoat to work from.
(3) Next get a lighter paint. Again I am using oop Dheneb stone, but rakarth flesh or something lighter will work just as well. Blend it on the edge of the rockface and as the paint mixed on the brush add more Dheneb stone and wet blend as you move toward the centre of each outcrop of rock. It is important to do this quickly while the paint from step 2 is still wet. Dont worry about it being too neat or even as rocks in nature arent. It should look weathered and kind of inconsistent.
(4) Leave it to dry for a while
(5) Liberally apply army painter Strong Tone from a dropper bottle with a large brush. Rule of thumb with this: if you think you’ve used just a little too much and possibly ruined it, then your doing it right. This is moreso for terrain than minis.
Next time, tune in for the Lava effect I will do.
Sleep Time and Reflection
Ive had to do a bit of editing and made a few mistakes, glitches notwithstanding. Ive decided to retire for the night. I assembled the entire set today in spite of getting a lot of glue and cork on my fingers as well as losing/finding important parts. Tomorrow is a day for gap filling and priming.
I did finish assembling the set, yes, but did not photograph everything. That is another thing I will do and post up tomorrow. I did a few little conversions here and there to add variety to my force and hope you enjoy them when they get unveiled. I also have some ideas for this I hope you will like.
I want to make my Star Wars Legion set very different to anything else you may see out there and I hope my ideas do that. I dont want to spill the beans too early or ruin it, Im eager to jealously guard my idea until I can show it off and hopefully impress everyone, haha.
Stay tuned!
More to follow tomorrow…
(or you could peruse my imgur account)
Minor Conversion Tutorial and Motivation
I really fired myself up by putting on Solo: A Star Wars movie. I love this film, despite what some say or think. Its good when hobbying to have background noise on to both help fire us up (there is only so much coffee can do sadly) and have background noise (this can be a very lonely hobby at times).
Conversion Tutorial:
I simply carefully cut a natural separation point on my Stormtrooper Squad Leader and glued it back but twisted it. The result shows a different pose. Since each squad has duplicate poses I wanted to modify my leaders at the very least to differentiate them.
A more complicated head swap that damaged detail (sometimes this just happens). I smoothed the neck hole and filled the gap with green stuff. More repiar work will be needed for the side of the helmet though, but thats fine.
Conversions and Editing
This blog has not been as easy since the one beforehand. Im finding I have to go back and fix pictures or change links, as well as seeing duplicates that are appearing for no reason.
Bare with me, and check back in as I will try my best to fix these.
Without further adieu, here is my slight modified Darth Vader. It was a simple sliicing of the army above the glove with a stanley knife and changing it to an ‘I am your Father’ type pose. This was easy to do and could easily be done with the light sabre hand, head, or even the hand I did in another angle so it could look like he is projecting force lightning.
I was happy with the slight modification though. As much as I love the fact that SW:L exists it would have been nice if they did the kits simliar to GW plastics. That said though, the quality and size is decent.
Ill go into more detail about conversions later for those not initiated into hobbying.
Its all about that base.
I decided I wanted to use the normal round GW bases I am used to after checking out the material @agis produced on his site for his own Star Wars hobbying. I agreed with how he said the bases were a little high, and I wanted to do my own thing with them to both not make them higher and tie them into another project I have. Since I cant seem to acquire additional seperately sold SW Legion bases then it was a natural conclusion.
Last year and earlier this year I did a Dark Elf plog. While I guess its in a state of ‘Rest Mode’ while I do other things, with this one I wanted to do something different: tutorials. Tools in hand I followed these steps:
I ordered the bases I needed (for now) from Games Workshop and bought a place mat resembling cork at a supermarktet to carve up.
(1) Carefully with a Stanley knife I gouged and shaved off what I needed.
(2) I then glued the pieces onto the bases. Nice and simple.
(3) I etched a hash or crossed marking on the boots and feet of my models with a Stanley knife (remember to cut away) to make sure they would glue easier to the bases.
(4) As you can see the results speak for themselves.
So, it arrived today! I swiftly tore it open this evening once I got my hands on the set. Im assembling at the moment so not much to show. Stay tuned.