Investigate Cosmic Horror In Cubicle 7’s The Laundry RPG

April 11, 2024 by brennon

Supported by (Turn Off)

You can now dive into the Kickstarter for the new edition of The Laundry Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7, based on the work by Charles Stross. Battle against cosmic horrors and other supernatural entities in this updated roleplaying game which makes use of their C7d6 system.

The Laundry Roleplaying Game - Cubicle 7

The Laundry Roleplaying Game // Cubicle 7

For those unfamiliar with The Laundry, this roleplaying game is set against the backdrop of a British Secret Service unit tasked with investigating dark cosmic horror encounters. You might take on the role of covert agents sneaking into supercomputer servers or end up fighting alongside SAS troops as they get stuck into dimension-hopping missions. There are lots of things that go bump in the night in the world of The Laundry and you're the ones who have to deal with them!

Charles Stross himself explains more about what it's like to be part of The Laundry...

Charles Stross Introduces The Laundry Roleplaying Game

What's cool about The Laundry is that it's a mix of the Lovecraftian Horror that you might know from games like Call Of Cthulhu but with its own mythos and a really good dose of British humour for good measure.

The boring day-to-day lives of one of the employees of The Laundry provide you with a background that then launches you into your Active Duty where you might get forced into all manner of unsuspectedly strange encounters. As Cubicle 7 has said...

"There is no ‘typical’ when it comes to Laundry missions. You could be sent to the heart of London, Wolverhampton, or Milton Keynes. You may even be sent overseas, but you’ll have to be careful not to ruffle any feathers — the Black Chamber and the Thirteenth Directorate are quick to halt clandestine Laundry operations. While they might have the same job as you, they handle things very differently, and some refuse to believe that the Cold War is over."

Imagine having to go to Milton Keynes. Mechanically, the game makes use of the C7d6 system which has been used in Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Soulbound and provides you with a quick and easy way to dive into the action with plenty of flexibility mechanically. Make sure to head on over to the Kickstarter for more information on that!

When it comes to pledge options, there are plenty of ways for you to dive into the game...

The Laundry RPG Pledge Options - Cubicle 7

The Laundry RPG Pledge Options // Cubicle 7

There are some great options both digitally and physically for you to choose from. I like that you've got the different options for Operatives and Supervisors alongside a fresh collection of adventures and some that have been revamped for you to play at the tabletop. It seems like a great way for you to get your hands on everything "The Laundry" in one go.

Also, Cubicle 7 put a lot of effort into their roleplaying games and I've always liked what they've done in the past. I'm sure this is going to just as fun to read through and dive into.

Make sure to also keep an eye on the Stretch Goals...

The Laundry RPG Stretch Goals - Cubicle 7

The Laundry RPG Stretch Goals // Cubicle 7

...and keep an eye out for more surprises as the campaign continues to roll on over the next few weeks. There is plenty of time for you to dive into the Kickstarter and have some fun.

Will you be checking out The Laundry?

"There are lots of things that go bump in the night in the world of The Laundry and you're the ones who have to deal with them!"

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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