Exclusive! Check Out New Starter Set Gangs For Punkapocalyptic

February 13, 2019 by brennon

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We've seen quite a few of the new previews for Bad Roll Games' Punkapocalyptic and its new Starter Set but we have been given a little nudge as to what will be in the full thing when it releases in April/May this year.

Punkapocalyptic Starter Set

The set will see the Mutards going up against the Gangers in some wild and over-the-top action on the tabletop. First up we have the Gangers...

Gangers - Punkapocalyptic

This looks like the set for those that like their Mad Maxian characters. Each of them is packed with detail and is in the midst of doing something cool, even the lady on the far right with her middle fingers in the air.

It's nice to see a line-up of exotic characters which make you immediately want to delve in and find out more about them. The same goes for the Mutards!

Mutards - Punkapocalyptic

You might recognise a few of these from popular culture including the character on the far right with the purple hair and the rather speedy individual on the far left. Yes, that is a take on the new-look Sonic that you might have seen teased online and turned into a meme.

Again, all of these are just inviting you to find out more about them!

As well as the miniatures inside the set you'll also get cardboard tokens, the rules (which will come in English and Spanish) and also some dice to get you going. The set also comes with an exclusive miniature, the Ratcutter.

Ratcutter - Punkapocalyptic

He is the author of The Scrapbridge Gazette where you can get all the hot tips on what you need to do when you're out in the wasteland looking for loot and glory. It seems like Bad Roll Games have really got stuck in here and invested a lot of time and effort into bringing this game to the fore so it would be well worth your time to go and find out more.

Make sure to drop a comment below and tell us if you'd go for the Mutards or the Gangers!

"It's nice to see a line-up of exotic characters which make you immediately want to delve in and find out more about them..."

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