Hunt For Treasures With New Bad Squiddo Terrain Sets

April 17, 2019 by brennon

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Bad Squiddo Games has been showing off their new terrain collection which came to their webstore recently. Treasures and all sorts await you as part of this growing horde.

Ristul's Extraordinary Market Terrain - Bad Squiddo Games

The collection of terrain has been developed from the existing Ristul's Extraordinary Market range which was then snapped up by Bad Squiddo Games. As you can see they have been working on all sorts of lovely things including treasure, boxes, crates, market goods, weird trees, campfires and much more. All of it would be great for those looking to develop interesting tabletops for skirmish games and role-playing adventures.

Poison & Backstabbing

As well as the terrain which you can now snag a couple of new characters popped up within the Bad Squiddo collection. For example, here we have Lucrezia Borgia.

Lucrezia Borgia - Bad Squiddo GAmes

As a member of one of the most powerful families during the 1300 and 1400s, it was never truly understood if she had dealings in the Borgia's criminal undertakings but there were rumours abound that she would poison people with a substance from one of her hollow rings!

I love the idea of including her in a game as both a noblewoman and assassin as pictured here, ready to delve into the action as willingly as she engages in courtly intrigue.

Hitting Like A Girl

Another of the newer characters for the range is Caterina Sforza here who was no stranger to murder, poisoning, torture and much more.

Caterina Sforza - Bad Squiddo Games

Once again you get a version of this lady getting stuck into the fighting with sword and armour at hand and a version of her bringing a sword to a meeting of minds!

She was a very colourful character in history so it's well worth exploring more of her backstory!

What do you think of the new terrain and additional characters for their range?

"...ready to delve into the action as willingly as she engages in courtly intrigue"

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