What Will Be Revealed For Warhammer: The Old World?

October 13, 2023 by brennon

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The Warhammer Day Preview is landing tomorrow at 2pm BST and there is going to be some interesting news coming out of Games Workshop about what's happening with Warhammer: The Old World.

Bretonnia Battle Standard Bearer - Warhammer The Old World

Bretonnian Battle Standard Bearer // Warhammer: The Old World

To get people into the mood, Games Workshop showed off this rather nice miniature for a Bretonnian Battle Standard Bearer on foot to match the mounted version that we saw recently. I always find it weird when we see Games Workshop doing this as it sort of takes the sting out of the actual reveals during the show. I would hope that this is an indication that we're getting more than just a single miniature reveal during this weekend's celebrations.

As I mentioned earlier in the week, I think we're going to be getting a look at the new boxed sets for the game and perhaps some news on when Warhammer: The Old World is going to arrive on our tabletops. I am crossing my fingers but I've been burned before, especially on the specialist side of things within Games Workshop!

You can find out the times for the preview down below...

Warhammer Day Preview - Games Workshop OCT

Warhammer Day Preview // Games Workshop

Make sure to look back at our thoughts earlier in the week HERE and tell us what Warhammer: The Old World army you're going to be making when the big new book lands. I'm still tossing up between going with Dwarfs or High Elves.

What do you think we'll be shown during the preview?

"What do you think we'll be shown during the preview?"

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