Warlord Add 15mm Pike & Shotte Heroes To Their Epic Collection

March 17, 2023 by brennon

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Warlord Games have added some brand new pre-order options to their collection for those diving into Pike & Shotte Epic Battles. Some big personalities for the Thirty Years War and the English Civil War have been added into the mix to lead your small-scale (but massive!) armies.

Thirty Years War Imperialist Commanders - Warlord Games

Thirty Years War - Imperialist Commanders // Warlord Games

The first set represents a collection of 17th Century commanders that you could end up using to lead your Imperialist armies. You've got Count Von Tilly, Wallenstein, Piccolimini, Pappenheim and Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand.

Going up alongside the Imperialist Commanders, you also have this set of Protestant Alliance Commanders.

Thirty Years War Protestant Alliance Commanders - Warlord Games

Thirty Years War - Protestant Alliance Commanders // Warlord Games

This set comes with another set of Warlord Resin miniatures to lead the way for the Protestant Alliance. Here, we have Gustavus Adolphus, Jophnann George I, Christian IV Of Denmark, Ake Tott and Louis de Bourbon.

What's nice about this is that for a lot of people, the English Civil War will be more familiar (more to come for them in a second) and so this might give people a chance to dive in and learn more about a different theatre of war.

The English Civil War

Battling over on the British Isles, we have some more personalities for the English Civil War and both the Royalists and the Parliamentarians.

English Civil Wars Royalist Commanders - Warlord Games

English Civil Wars - Royalist Commanders // Warlord Games

Leading the way for the King, you have access to some rather fancy fellows wearing fun attire. This set comes with King Charles I, Prince Rupert, Prince Maurice, Ralph Hopton and Lord Astley. All of them might come out of things badly but maybe you could change history with them.

This second set comes with some rather dour fellows fighting on the side of Parliament.

English Civil Wars Parliament Commanders - Warlord Games

English Civil Wars - Parliament Commanders // Warlord Games

Fighting against the tyranny of the King, these Roundheads are looking to change the state of play in England during this period. You've got Oliver Cromwell, Sir Thomas Fairfax, Sir Arthur Haslerig, Sir William Waller and the Early Of Essex. You might not have much fun with Cromwell around you but it might be a lesser evil to stop a greater one! We all know how that played out of course!

New Pike & Shotte Terrain

As well as the new miniatures, there is also some new Pike & Shotte terrain for you to snap up. The first set is a new collection of Town Houses that you can try and take control of when battling over locations across England.

Town Houses Scenery Pack - Warlord Games

Town Houses Scenery Pack // Warlord Games

These are neat little houses with plenty of detail that could be found both in England during the English Civil War and also across Europe during the Thirty Years War. They have plenty of fun little details worked into the kits that would be great to pick out.

The second of the new terrain kits is the rather awesome Star Fort that would be brilliant for dropping into all sorts of battles!

Star Fort Scenery Pack - Warlord Games

Star Fort Scenery Pack // Warlord Games

These structures would have been built around a lot of key towns and villages throughout the countryside. They were great for housing artillery and other troops that really needed to hold a position. It would add a lot of personality to a tabletop that was trying to match the period of the English Civil War or the Thirty Years' War.

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"Some big personalities for the Thirty Years War and the English Civil War have been added into the mix..."

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