Dive Into DragonStrike Kickstarter The Last Day Beckons!

May 24, 2024 by brennon

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Fighting Hedgehog are now on Kickstarter with their aerial dragon combat board game, DragonStrike. Take control of mighty chromatic and metallic dragons and their riders and do battle for the fate of the world!

DragonStrike Kickstarter - Fighting Hedgehog

DragonStrike Kickstarter // Fighting Hedgehog

DragonStrike is a game for two or more players featuring pre-painted dragons that will be doing battle across a variety of different scenarios. The game itself is quick and easy to learn featuring a neat card mechanic where you secretly pick your manoeuvres before revealing them at the same time. This means that you'll have to do some planning ahead when it comes to besting your foes!

DragonStrike Gameplay Details - Fighting Hedgehog

DragonStrike Gameplay Details // Fighting Hedgehog

There are many different types of dragons for you to choose from, each with unique breath types that function in various ways that you'll have to master. You can dive into casual play or you can explore the more competitive side of things and get stuck into the meta!

If you'd like to see the game in action, we have a couple of Let's Play videos!

Let's Play: DragonStrike | Fighting Hedgehog

Let's Play: DragonStrike (Tabletop Simulator) | Fighting Hedgehog

If you'd like to learn more about the development of the game then we also have an interview with Fighting Hedgehog!

What Is DragonStrike? | Designer Interview

We've had a lot of fun with DragonStrike throughout its development. Mastering the way that the manoeuvres work and how to get the best out of your dragons is a fun tactical puzzle to try and solve. Because this matches up with D&D and the world of Dragonlance, you can even blend this game into your 5th Edition campaigns on the tabletop.

DragonStrike Pledge Options [Updated]

There are a variety of different pledge options for you to consider. If you're someone who wants to dive in at a lower level then you can get your hands on the Dragonsquire Pledge.

Dragonsquire - Fighting Hedgehog

Dragonsquire // Fighting Hedgehog

The Dragonsquire Pledge comes with an option to have your dragons unpainted. This means that you can dive in at a lower price level and do whatever you'd like to the miniatures from the set.

The Dragonrider Pledge gives you the four pre-painted dragons for Red, Bronze, White and Copper as well as all of the components and such that you need to play the game.

Dragon Rider Pledge - DragonStrike

Dragonrider Pledge // DragonStrike

If you want to take it up a level, you can go for the slightly more expensive Dragonknight Pledge which comes with all of the bits and pieces from the Dragonrider Pledge but with the bonus of the stretch goals have are unlocked throughout the course of the campaign.

Dragon Knight Pledge - DragonStrike

Dragonknight Pledge // DragonStrike

This also come with the Storm Of Dragons expansion which comes with new missions and dragonriders like spellcaster and archers. There is also an alternative mat for you to choose from so you can mix up your games. It also allows you to expand things out to include six and eight players!

You can also dive into the Dragonlord Pledge which comes with all manner of bonus extras and will give you essentially all of the DragonStrike goodness that you could need for the foreseeable future.

Dragon Lord Pledge - DragonStrike

Dragonlord Pledge // DragonStrike

If this has got you excited about DragonStrike, you can dive in and give the game a go yourself. You can head over to Tabletop Simulator and play a version of the game right now before you drop your pledge.

DragonStrike is a fantastic game that seems to really nail the idea of dragon combat on the tabletop. Dungeons & Dragons Attack Wing was ok but I don't think it really managed to capture the feel of combat on the back of a dragon (because of course I know what that's like!). DragonStrike does it right!

Are you going to be checking out DragonStrike?

"DragonStrike is a fantastic game that seems to really nail the idea of dragon combat on the tabletop..."

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