Community Spotlight: Ultramarines, HeroQuest Foes & KeyForge Travellers!

February 13, 2019 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Forums and Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Ultramarine Heroes by milmaa

milmaa is back in the foreground with some awesome work on a few Space Marines. They might be Ultramarines but they are looking very good indeed and a fantastic way to delve into Warhammer 40,000 in general. I love how this take on Marneus Calgar turned out for example...

Ultramarines #1 by milmaa

The blue is striking and vibrant, packed with Sci-Fi flare and highlighted in just the right way. The application of the gold also works well and isn't totally overdone, especially since it doesn't take away from the central focus of the model which should be the character itself. The work on all of the detail pops equally as well, especially on the face and around the legs with those hanging straps.

This builds again when we see the work on this Librarian too.

Ultramarines #2 by milmaa

Once again, the blue really pops here and I think this is then made all the more impressive by the work on the cloak here as well. I like how this dirty white has come out, giving him a battlefield look as opposed to someone who spends most of his time on the Battle Barge.

I really like what he did with the glowing psychic runes on his face too, his eyes ablaze and the glow eeking out over his facial features giving him a dangerously mystical appearance.

The work on his standard Space Marines is also very nice indeed.

Ultramarines #3 by milmaa

Say what you want about the boys in blue but they do look exceptionally striking on the tabletop with very little effort. That's not to say that milmaa hasn't put a lot of work into these but I think you can see how a proper scheme comes together with a few key elements.

HeroQuest Foes & Furniture by firelock22

Next up we're looking back into the past with firelock22's work on the HeroQuest figures. We start off with him showing off the villains he painted for the game.

HeroQuest #1 - firelock22

It's absolutely awesome seeing the work going into bringing these to life. There is a lot of batch painting involved here but I think the work has paid off. The undead characters on the back left look fantastic, especially the Mummies and Skeletons. Kudos on the work that has gone into that Gargoyle too!

Whilst it requires little painting, firelock22 has also worked on the additional metal pieces which tie the cardboard terrain together. I love painting furniture and terrain in small quantities and these look great too.

HeroQuest #2 - firelock22

A quick drybrush goes a long way and helps bring a lot of these pieces to life. I also like how firelock22 has painted these in the same over-the-top style of the board and game as a whole, making things pop and standout.

KeyForge Travel Case by magrathean-apprentice

Last but not least we're looking to someone building something for KeyForge players. If you want to get into the game it's very simple and requires a buy-in of about £8 but you don't get any tokens etc that way. Well, magrathean-apprentice is working on this awesome travel case which holds your deck and all of the tokens you need to play.

KeyForge Travel Box #1 - magrathean-apprentice

The box offers up a clear window so you can see the deck inside as well as the Chain marker and Keys on the front that you'll be wanting to keep an eye on during the game. Inside you'll also find space for the tokens that you need to play the game including Aember, Stuns, Wounds and more.

KeyForge Travel Box #2 - magrathean-apprentice

magrathean-apprentice has also been working on the token designs themselves. Now, this will all require painting but it could be worth it for someone looking to get everything they want in one go.

KeyForge Travel Box #3 - magrathean-apprentice

It is fascinating seeing what folks have been doing when it comes to building tokens and more for KeyForge. The fact that you need to source your own tokens and such for the game means that people are being very inventive and coming up with both cost-effective and rather plush ways to build on their games.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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