Wyrd’s Bayou Bash & Themed Starter Set Coming This Summer

February 25, 2021 by brennon

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Wyrd Games has announced that they are going to be bringing some Bayou-themed awesomeness to the tabletop in June and July 2021. Both Bayou Bash, their long-awaited board game, and the Bayou Starter Box are going to be landing this summer.

Bo Peep - Wyrd Games

Bo Peep // Wyrd Games

The Malifaux Bayou Starter Box will come with the four characters that you'll also be able to play as in the Bayou Bash board game, hence the meeples shown here against their miniature counterpart! As with the other Starter Box that we looked at previous to this for The Explorer's Society, the miniatures are all going to be pre-assembled and ready to go.

Fluffernutter - Wyrd Games

Fluffernutter // Wyrd Games

As an update on these preassembled miniatures and what they're like, they use the same material as those in the Rotten Harvest Pandora Box that released last year. It is designed to be very sturdy and keep all of the details that you're used to seeing when it comes to the Malifaux range. As an example, the Wyrd Games folks sent us a look at the painted Fat Cap which uses that same material as the preassembled miniatures.

Fat Cap Painted Example - Wyrd Games

Fat Cap Painted Example // Wyrd Games

I would certainly not turn my nose up at that. It's good to see an image of the final product that you'll be getting once you get these miniatures down on the tabletop and slap a bit of paint on them! It does also make the Starter Boxes an (even more) interesting proposition!

Now imagine that kind of material bringing the rest of these Bayou characters to life alongside their mounts!

Ruffles - Wyrd Games

Ruffles // Wyrd Games

Stumpy - Wyrd Games

Stumpy // Wyrd Games

As with the previous Starter Set that was explored by Wyrd, this one for the Bayou will also come with a themed deck of cards for use in-game and you'll find a few extra gubbins which are useful for gameplay purposes too.

Bayou Bash Coming This Summer!

On top of all of that miniature goodness, Bayou Bash will also be releasing in June as a novel way for you to experience the weird world of Malifaux.

Bayou Bash - Wyrd Games

Bayou Bash // Wyrd Games

This long-awaited beat 'em up racing game plays in around an hour and lets four players dive in and have a bit of fun alongside their wargames. I like that the folks at Wyrd decided to go with meeples - especially custom meeples. I do love meeples.

Are you going to be picking up Bayou Bash or the new Bayou Starter Crew?

"This long-awaited beat 'em up racing game plays in around an hour and lets four players dive in and have a bit of fun alongside their wargames..."

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