Community Spotlight: German Armies, 15mm Necromunda & Raising The Black!

February 15, 2023 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


World War II Bolt Action by ewokkebab

We start off with the work of ewokkebab (great username by the way...) who has been doing some great stuff when it comes to Bolt Action. It seems like a great big German army is coming to life over on their project packed with characters, troops and plenty of vehicles for good measure.

Bolt Action #1 by ewokkebab

It seems like ewokkebab may have tripped and fallen into a whole mess of miniatures. But, they are diligently working through their collection and painting things up pretty insanely quickly! They aren't doing things by half measures either as they working on all of the intricate camouflage on the miniatures as well as building up vehicles with stowage and all sorts.

Bolt Action #2 by ewokkebab

Elements of this project are still in the WiP stage but it's fascinating seeing the different stages of bringing these miniatures to life in this fashion. When it comes to the different stages, it seems like it might be quite intense! Some homework has gone into bringing these miniatures to life and making sure that that camouflage pops. I think that ewokkebab has done a sterling job on it.

There are also a bunch of vehicles getting their finishing touches as part of this collection. There is no lack of tanks and transports rolling out as part of this collection.

Bolt Action #3 by ewokkebab

It's pretty commendable that they have put so much effort into this army and got it to this level in a pretty decent timeframe. Considering that ewokkebab has, for the most part, no real interest in Historical wargaming (by their own admission), it does seem like they are doing a lot of learning and having fun when bringing this collection to life.


15mm Necromunda by greenstufffanatic

We then move on to something pretty awesome from greenstufffanatic. They are working away on something a bit different as they are bringing Necromunda to the tabletop but in a different scale!

15mm Necromunda #1 by greenstufffanatic

Necromunda was the first game that they played back in the 90s and so they wanted to return to it now they were older. The twist here is that they have decided to literally do their own sculpting and bringing the gangs and game to life in a smaller scale. There are some awesome characters already popping up covering the Eschers and the Orlocks in particular.

15mm Necromunda #2 by greenstufffanatic

As mentioned, it's decidedly impressive that they are doing all of this work themselves and bringing these characters to life on a scale where I'd be afraid of smushing their faces into an indistinguishable blob.

15mm Necromunda #3 by greenstufffanatic

Much like with the first project, a lot of the work here is in the early stages and it's more about the sculpting than anything else. I really commend the effort put into this collection and I hope to see it turn into something impressive when it finally lands on the tabletop. The idea is that these miniatures will be used alongside mechanics from OnePageRules. I can't wait to see where this goes and keep it up!


Blood & Plunder by skudfisher

Last but not least, we have some work by skudfisher who has clearly caught the Blood & Plunder bug as we have here at OnTableTop. They have been working through some of the characters from the Raise The Black Kickstarter as well as an impressive ship!

Blood & Plunder #1 by skudfisher

Some brilliant work has gone into this collection and in particular, we have the excellent Blackbeard up in the midst of the action. I think the highlighting on the miniature is really good and I think they have done a superb job of getting the details just right. I like the additional elements of grey worked into his beard and hair which turn him into that grizzled veteran.

The same can be said about Robert Maynard who is preparing his flintlock and sabre to put some pirates in the drink.

Blood & Plunder #2 by skudfisher

Again, the highlighting and shading on this miniature are solid and I think it looks super detailed. It takes a steady hand to get those looking good and not just big and wonky. I like how he stands out so nicely from Blackbeard and you'll be able to pick them both out of the melee when a boarding action happens.

Last but not least, we have this sneaky peek at one of the ships from the collection. The wood looks brilliant and I think they have properly nailed the vibes when it comes to the tones and colour.

Blood & Plunder #3 by skudfisher

The spots of colour here and there, the figurehead and everything about this ship are just, lovely! I can't wait to see more of the miniatures from Raise The Black in the heart of the fighting and battling across a Caribbean tabletop.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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