Community Spotlight: Rascaltown, Otter Armies & Dancing Droids

March 27, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Rascaltown Goblin by danlee

We start this week with a look at what danlee has been up to. Rogue Hobbies, led by Louise Sugden, has started making awesome miniatures for you to get stuck into and paint. Rascaltown has been expanding with all manner of fun Goblin miniatures and danlee recently got to work on one such miniatures, the Rascaltown Knight.

Rascaltown Knight #1 by danlee

This is the third of the miniatures from Rascaltown and danlee wanted to use this as an excuse to have a pop at painting miniatures that were a bit different from the norm. The vibe here is one that is a bit more whimsical than the norm and I think the colour choices throughout are bloomin' gorgeous.

Rascaltown Knight #2 by danlee

I like the deep yellow/orange skin and all the little notes of highlighting and shading that you get across the miniature. This then works well alongside the non-metallic metal of the armour. I think keeping it in this style helps to nail the "cartoon" and the "whimsy" of the miniature. The yellow also contrasts very well with the purple which has been used for the cloth and the mushrooms poking out from various parts of the miniature.

Rascaltown Knight #3 by danlee

Also, who could say no to that adorable little wizard frog? Perhaps they turned themselves into a toad by mistake? This guard has stumbled upon them and decided to help him out I suppose! This is a gorgeous project and a fantastic final product. The attention to detail is superb throughout and hopefully, danlee has a go at painting some more of Rascaltown range as they come out.


Kings Of War Otters by ewokkebab

Next up, we're diving into some awesomeness from the world of Kings Of War. Inspired to create a fun new army for Kings Of War, ewokkebab doesn't do things by halves and so started work on a unique army of woodland animals that are going to be taking the fight to all manner of foes.

Kings Of War Otters #1 by ewokkebab

Capping off the 2000 point army, we recently got miniatures for Ratty, Badger and Moley who are going to be leading the way for all sorts of hijinks on the river bank. This Herd army named the Riverbank Alliance makes use of all manner of wonderful miniatures from different creators, some board game pieces and more. This project has been growing and changing for a while and all sorts of lovely miniatures have come to make up this nature-based army.

Kings Of War Otters #2 by ewokkebab

Some of the latest miniatures to enter the collection are these rats mice and the like who have come together to create a unit of ranged troops in-game. It has been a bit of a battle working on the lower-quality miniatures but I think that ewokkebab has done a fantastic job on these miniatures. This is just a morsel of what has been painted up and recently ewokkebab took to the tabletop for a battle report as well!

Kings Of War Otters #3 by ewokkebab

Here you can see some of the awesome miniatures that make up part of this Herd army. You've got the Crossing Watch and the River Guard making up the core of this army right now alongside some great forest-based shamblers and that monstrous treeman. It was great to see this army coming together and now that it's at 2000 points, I hope it's going to see a lot of play on the tabletop. I do like that this reinforces that you can make whatever armies take your fancy when it comes to Kings Of War!


Dancing Droids by draconis

Last but not least, we delve into the world of Star Wars and the work that draconis has been doing recently. One miniature that particularly caught Gerry's eye was this Droid Commander. He seems to have caught a bit of dance fever...

Star Wars Legion #3 by draconis

During the building stage of this miniature, it occurred to draconis that this miniature just needed to be given the Travolta treatment. With that, the miniature was painted up in that classic black and white from the movie and he even has a fetching "hairdo". I also like that draconis took the extra effort to paint the collar of Travolta's shirt on the front of this Commander's armour.

Star Wars Legion #1 by draconis

As well as the wonderful droid above, draconis has also been working on painting up a whole bunch of additional miniatures for Legion. Above, you can see the gorgeous Darth Maul that has taken a while to come to life but all that effort has been rewarded. I like the work on the facial markings and I think draconis has captured his expression well. The effect on the lightsaber works nicely which is great and gives you a sense of its humming power.

Another miniature that I wanted to highlight was this brightly painted Medical Droid. I think the blue looks fantastic and the little spots of metallics here and there help to nail the clean look of the miniature. You'd hope a medical droid would be clean!

Star Wars Legion #2 by draconis

A wonderful miniature that is going to stand out very well on the tabletop when you're in the heat of battle. This is by no means all of the Star Wars miniatures painted up by draconis. If you're looking to get some inspiration for your next project, maybe this could be a project to help in that. Maybe we could find ways to include more movie references in Star Wars armies?

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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