Community Spotlight: Spanish Sailors, Watery Magi & Ancient Statues

July 10, 2019 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Forums and Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Blood & Plunder Spanish by panzerkaput

The first project we're going to be looking at this week comes from the awesome panzerkaput. This chap has been working away on Blood & Plunder for a number of months and his latest update shows off some of the finished Spanish soldiers for his growing collection.

Blood & Plunder #1 by panzerkaput

This is a band of the European Militia Infantry painted up as Spanish Regular Infantry instead of focusing on them being French. The white/cream jackets they are wearing have come across really nicely here and I think the deep red trim works well against it as a contrasting colour. The detail going into all of the buttons and accessories then helps elevate them to the next level.

Blood & Plunder #2 by panzerkaput

Taking the photos in a piece of terrain also really helps give you a sense of how the characters look when they're down on the tabletop. I have mentioned it before too but the ship deck wooden planks used for the bases also are a nice fit, especially if you're going to be doing a lot of boarding actions.

Going back to June, panzerkaput has been putting a lot of work into this project as you'll see here with the French Line Cavalry Regiment.

Blood & Plunder #3 by panzerkaput

We've delved into a lot of panzerkaput's work over the past year or so and it's always good to dive back in and see what extra progress has gone into a project dedicated to one game. I love the neat painting, bright colours and focus on creating punchy looking units for use on the tabletop. I also tip my hat to him for working so carefully on some of the trim where there's no guide. My hand is never that steady!

Magi-Rashaar by frederique555

Next up we're leaving one coastal frontier and heading to another watery world. Here we're looking at the work on the Magi-Rashaar from user frederique555.

Magi-Rashaar #1 by frederique555

I don't think I've seen much of frederique555's work on the site before so it was nice to see another new face popping up and using the projects to chart their progress on a collection. Here we can see some of the bright and bold colours that have popped up on the Magi-Rashaar. I think the yellows and greens are a good choice, putting you in mind of the sea floor whilst the pale blue works as a good lighter contrast on the flesh.

Magi-Rashaar #2 by frederique555

I think my favourite part of the model though is the painting that has gone into that staff. It looks like it has been wrenched and twisted from the coral into a focus for the Magi to use when he is casting magic. The rough texture across helps build on that bit of narrative.

We are hopefully going to see more from frederique555 in the future as he paints up the rest of the Carnevale Two-Player Box so keep an eye on that project!

Lost Colussus by denzien

Lastly, we're taking a peek at more work by denzien as he starts work on more for his Lost Colossus project. This project has been going for a while and it started out with this massive head which will have fallen from that eponymous Colossus.

Lost Colossus #2 by denzien

This was an awesome use of a larger piece of what equated to junk in order to reuse it for the skirmish game. The extra work and weathering that went into it really pushed it to the next level. His latest finished piece was the hand.

Lost Colossus #2 by denizen

Again, the work that went into weather this up and adding the extra bits and pieces of undergrowth push this towards awesomeness. I love it and it really does feel like a lost statue part which has fallen from a once mighty creation. With these dotted around the gaming table, you're creating a really nice narrative.

Currently, work has switched over to making the plinth that the Lost Colossus would have stood on back in ancient times.


Building this to suit the scenario from the Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago book it has to be 10″ square and 6″ high with one door and denzien is also thinking more and more about just how it will fit into the game too. The walls and floor have been mapped out and the Snakemen are almost ready to defend this mystical place of majesty.

We're very excited to see just how this finishes up. It would be great to see the full tabletop packed with terrain when it's done.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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