Community Spotlight: Striking Scorpions, Masterful Trolls & Death-dealing Titans

September 14, 2018 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Forums and Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Sereqet The Scorpion by d2painterth

The first project we're looking at is from d2painterth who has put together a rather awesome painting tutorial on getting Sereqet The Scorpion finished for games of Arena Rex.

Sereqet The Scorpion #1 by d2painterth

The techniques used here are fascinating and they have managed to get a lot of that sheen that you'd see on a scorpion just right. This is then added to with the weathering that you can see in this finished model above.

Sereqet The Scorpion #2 by d2painterth

Whilst I like the look of this Scorpion and the weathering done to it I actually preferred the look of the Scorpion before this step (check out the Project for more images). I can see why they went with weathering techniques here in order to give it the look of a living creature, actually getting stuck into the fighting, but the sheen was just stunning!

If you're interested in getting that insectoid look to your finished models this is a great Project to look at in more detail.

Trolls by motioninpoetry

Next up is one that is a little bit of a departure for us here. motioninpoetry is here as a 3D sculptor. They have worked on products like Mantic Games' Walking Dead and Soda Pop's Super Dungeon Explore but are now heading out on their own with a new venture and using the Project system to showcase some of their work.

Trolls #1 by motioninpoetry

The first thing to say is that we won't be featuring lots of professionals all of the time, but these models were so amazing that I had to show them off. The cartoon nature of them twined with the brute force in these models really warranted a closer look.

The second thing I wanted to ask is that motioninpoetry shows off some of the work that goes into these sculpts. I think it would be quite the Project if they were able to delve into the finer details of bringing characters like these to life.

Trolls #2 by motioninpoetry

I know that this is a topic we'd already covered in the news this week but I just had to give some kudos to motioninpoetry once again and invite more sculptors from the industry to use our Project system and show off what they've been doing, how the process works and more so we can all learn what goes on behind the scenes.

Adeptus Titanicus by zaphf

Last but not least we turn our attention to a subject which has gripped many hobbyists recently. Here we have the Legio Mortis Titan from zaphf!

Adeptus Titanicus #1 by zaphf

This is a stunning looking Titan, showing off some real attention to detail when it comes to all of the metallic work and how that transitions over nicely into the dark armour plating. There is a real sense of dread and danger oozing off of this model I think you'll agree.

I even like the much darker metallics that have been worked into the back of the Titan.

Adeptus Titanicus #2 by zaphf

The basing also deserves a mention I think as the ruined martian surface that it's walking on is a good framing device to the model as a whole. There's a few other things which really stand out like the almost slick gears and pistons moving around at the back and that pale green light glowing from behind the Titan's visor. Very eerie!

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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