Help A Good Cause & Get Epic Miniatures With SolGood Creations’ Battle Cries

October 24, 2023 by brennon

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SolGood Creations has been working over the last few years on bringing together some amazing creators to produce fantastic 3D Printable miniatures. In addition to the excellent miniatures for your Fantasy and Sci-Fi wargames, they have also been using the money to help good causes, especially in Ukraine via Kickstarter.

Battle Cries Unleashed Fury - SolGood Creations

Battle Cries: Unleashed Fury Kickstarter // SolGood Creations

Their newest campaign, Battle Cries: Unleashed Fury offers up an immense amount of STL Files for you to print your digital miniatures at home. With every backer that joins the campaign, more money then gets fed back into their efforts to keep people fed in Ukraine during the conflict that is still ongoing.

Kickstarter Aims - SolGood Creations

Kickstarter Aims // SolGood Creations

If you're interested in the genesis of this project and how it came to life, SolGood Creations have detailed this story on their MyMiniFactory Page which is one of the outlets that they use in order to deliver the miniatures that you get as part of the Kickstarter.

With that in mind, it's probably a good idea to get a look at the kind of miniatures they are offering. There are five dioramas which have been supplied by a number of different creators, each packed with miniatures that you could use to turn into an epic army or two to use in your games or just use as a fun new painting project.

The Swarm Slayers - SolGood Creations

The Swarm Slayers // SolGood Creations

Across the different options presented as part of the project, you'll get access to grimdark, power-armoured warriors who are giving me mega DOOM vibes mixed with a bit of Space Marine for good measure.

That also means that you need a swarm of alien bad guys for you to go up against and the campaign offers that as well! If you're seeking to build a destructive swarm that is intent on ripping down everything in its path, this set of miniatures offers that! You're going to need a bigger bug zapper.

The Great Stellar Swarm - SolGood Creations

The Great Stellar Swarm // SolGood Creations

This is by no means the depth of the options that SolGood Creations has brought together for just this set. There are way more miniatures to feast your eyes on over on their Kickstarter Page.

The Elpizan Survivors - SolGood Creations

The Elpizan Survivors // SolGood Creations

If this Sci-Fi adventure doesn't rock your boat then you might be tempted to snap up The Slain Dragon which comes with an impressive scenic piece alongside a victorious Knight and some poor Kobolds who have lost their master.

The Slain Dragon - SolGood Creations

The Slain Dragon // SolGood Creations

Again, there are almost too many options for us to show off when it comes to this campaign! Below, I've added a neat snapshot of each of the different sets that you can pick up as part of the campaign. If you'd like to know more, I would recommend going and digging through their Kickstarter to see all the different examples and such that they have added to the mix.

Example #1 - SolGood Creations

Example Renders // SolGood Creations

Example #2 - SolGood Creations

Example #3 - SolGood Creations

Example #4 - SolGood Creations

Example #5 - SolGood Creations

Example #6 - SolGood Creations

If all of this has got you rather excited, you could get this fellow downloaded and see if the quality is up to scratch!

Free Kobold Miniature - SolGood Creations

Free Kobold Miniature // SolGood Creations

Snag yourself a Free Kobold Miniature and maybe it will tempt you to back and get yourself that larger Dragon diorama to paint up and showcase on your mantlepiece.

As a whole, this campaign is packed with awesome miniatures and it looks like it's going to be helping people who are in need at the same time. Sounds like a win-win situation for backers as you get yourself some awesome digital miniatures to print at home and you get to feel good too.

Make sure to go and check out the list of collaborators and those who helped with the campaign over on Kickstarter and tell us your favourite bundle!

Do you have some favourite miniatures from this campaign?

"Do you have some favourite miniatures from this campaign?"

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