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Reply To: Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's… Reply To: Hobby weekender 22/03/2019 – Alright I guess we're doing the 2010's…


Cult of Games Member

1. Age of Kickstarter – Have there been any Kickstarters that you were really happy that got off the ground? Any you regret not getting in on? Are there any that you have gotten into after they hit retail?

Off the ground: Mel’s book. ’nuff said.

Regret? Nope.

As for the last question… I think no but it could be unknowingly… but I doubt it.

2. Music music everywhere – Has the prevalence of easily accessible music expanded the genres you listen to? Or has it expanded the number of bands in your pre-existing genres that you listen to? Or do you stick with the classics that you know and love?

Expanded genres? No. More bands and artists definitely. But it stays all more or less in the same category. I don’t like change much tbh.

3. Peak entertainment – With the wealth of TV and movie streaming services, downloadable games playable smartphone apps and film franchise juggernauts are there any particular stories, IP’s or ideas that you feel tied to? Do you find the wealth of leisure activities available ever diverts your time from engaging in more traditional hobby activities? Are there any ‘retro’ movies or games that you still revisit today?

SciFi and cyberpunk and the likes are my favourite… IP… well Star Wars is nearly always good… also Star Trek, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica (old and new), Gundam, Robotech, Babylon 5 etc etc… Revisiting old Star Trek series right now. Currently “Enterprise”. Does Star Wars (original trilogy) count as retro? 😉

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