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Reply To: Epic format returning to X-Wing V2

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Cult of Games Member

There was more to the V2 changes. FFG added a medium size base (what everybody wanted for v1 but we never got) Movement tools changed, force powers were added and a new quick build system so that you could do quick battles without needing to manage any points list.

I think the main problem for FFG with all their Star Wars games is the IP itself. Star Wars has a history of *everything* having to be approved by the IP owner. George Lucas was infamous for that and I think Disney still does it. So when FFG wants to change something it would have to get it approved by Disney.

And I think the traditional wargame format for X-Wing would have scared of to many new players. You’ve got to remember the core set was sold for under USD30. It was a nearly complete game for quick fun. It started as a Beer & Brezel game and became something else.

As for Legion: time will tell. Personally I’m happy with it the way they do it at the moment. And I’m curious if the Clone Wars troops will bring new players to the table.

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