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Reply To: Is wargaming just "make believe" with dice?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Is wargaming just "make believe" with dice? Reply To: Is wargaming just "make believe" with dice?


Cult of Games Member

I’d argue that as long as both you and your opponent were having fun then it wasn’t ‘wrong’.

Maybe all you needed was the right set of rules written in a way that makes ‘narrative gaming’ sound more reasonable to you ?

It’s all too easy for rule writers to say “narrative gaming = do as you please”, but for some of us we need a bit more context than that just to understand exactly how to do it. (if that makes sense?)

Kind of like how the ‘golden rule’ in RPG’s tends to be “if you don’t like a rule ditch it”, but most books still manage to explain the rules in a way that makes you think you need to follow them to the letter (selling extra books with more rules doesn’t help either).

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