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Reply To: Anyone else strting Firefight with the new release?

Home Forums Science Fiction Tabletop Game Discussions Anyone else strting Firefight with the new release? Reply To: Anyone else strting Firefight with the new release?



I am not big into the ‘fluff’ as long as there is enough background to help my imagination I am happy.   I don’t think Firefight needs to rival 40k if it can get as much success as Kings of War I thin it will be doing well.   I am looking forward to do a Sci-Fi army   for a change from Kings of War.   I have more trust in Mantic than GW for rules as I have been happy with how the rules have been handles in Kings of War.


First model done trying to work out the army colours it has ended up brighter and less gray than I was thinking of to start with:-277592793_493018869159210_6426778989054309328_n

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