Check Out MiniWarGaming’s Veil-Touched Sci-Fi Miniatures!

December 14, 2021 by brennon

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MiniWarGaming and Lazy Squire Games have joined forces for a new project that will be launching on Gamefound in the early portion of 2022. A range of 32mm Sci-Fi miniatures are in the works, inspired by Dave, for use in your grimdark games of the far future.

Veil-Touched - MiniWarGaming

Veil-Touched // MiniWarGaming & Lazy Squire Games

As you might have guessed, these particular miniatures aren't into sunshine and rainbows. They are decidedly more focused on ripping and tearing their way across the galaxy...

"Lord Davicus and his army were tasked with exploring the other side of the Veil, an enigmatic shimmering wall on the edge of the known universe. After three weeks of communication silence, they were declared dead, and their mission shelved. Sixty years later Davicus and his men emerged from the Veil alive, but forever changed. An alien corruption pulsated within their hearts, bending their will to a new master..."

The miniatures then cover a range of different options for your Sci-Fi armies. You have an array of different characters to choose from as well as core troops and specialists for fulfilling other battlefield roles.

Veil-Touched War Pack - MiniWarGaming

Veil-Touched War Pack // MiniWarGaming & Lazy Squire Games

The collection is broken down into a few different sets but each presents you with a range of 32mm heroic proportioned soldiers in high-quality PVC. Lazy Squire Games are well known for the miniatures they created for Wild Assent and Stormsunder so if you've been tempted by the quality of those, that should give you a good idea of what they are working with here.

Dominion War Pack - MiniWarGaming

Dominion War Pack // MiniWarGaming & Lazy Squire Games

One of the nice things about the miniatures is that they cover a range of different options. You've got your regular foot troops but also lots of other weapon options that allow them to fit into, say, Warhammer 40,000 or perhaps the Grimdark rules by OnePageRules.

You've also got a range of different body types as well as male and female miniatures in heavy armour and without. It should prove to be a very good set of miniatures for those who love anything remotely chaotic.

Veil-Touched Ascended Elite Pack - MiniWarGaming

Veil-Touched Ascended Elite Pack // MiniWarGaming & Lazy Squire Games

As if that wasn't enough, the collection also features plenty of lore and background for the force. So, if you wanted to keep them specifically themed to the Veil-Touched that Dave envisioned then you have a lot to get stuck into. You could tell some fascinating stories for sure!

Veil-Scarred Abominations Elite Pack - MiniWarGaming

Veil-Scarred Abominations Elite Pack - MiniWarGaming & Lazy Squire Games

If you're interested in the relative scales for the various miniatures then the folks behind the campaign put together this handy chart.

Veil-Touched Scale Comparison - MiniWarGaming

Veil-Touched Scale Comparison // MiniWarGaming & Lazy Squire Games

So, Lord Davicus himself is quite the monster and his closest power armoured followers are just as big! It should give a good sense of scale when your army is together on the battlefield though which is neat.

I am eager to see how people are going to paint these. I reckon you could have a lot of fun with wet blending here, mixing different colours together to show their twisted and warped bodies. Shifting colours and bright, vivid pinks, purples and blues come to mind.

I have no doubt that Ravaged Star is going to be a universe that will expand and develop over time, going beyond just the Veil-Touched. As a starting point though, this seems pretty good. I'm sure we'll return to this as and when the campaign launches.

Are you going to be checking these out?

"I have no doubt that Ravaged Star is going to be a universe that will expand and develop over time..."

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