Snap Up An Afrika Korps Platoon For Plastic Soldier’s Battlegroup

January 21, 2021 by brennon

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Building on their Battlegroup collection, the team at Plastic Soldier Company have produced another 20mm set of Afrika Korps Germans based on the Adler Miniatures collection.

German Afrika Korps Platoon - Plastic Soldier Company

German Afrika Korps Platoon // Plastic Soldier Company

This is a full platoon for you to use in the game and comes with plenty of options to get you started in the North Africa campaign. You get an HQ, NCOs, Riflemen and LMG Teams which are both walking and prone.

German Afrika Korps Platoon Miniatures - Plastic Soldier Company

German Afrika Korps Platoon Miniatures // Plastic Soldier Company

The miniatures are looking great and the painted previews you see above are by Piers Brand who works on most of their range. As with the rest of the old Adler Miniatures collection, this set has been brought to life in Ultracast so if you've liked the way the range has been dealt with then you'll have more fun with these.

If you're interested in diving in and checking out the Afrika Korps then you can pit them against the British now!

"You get an HQ, NCOs, Riflemen and LMG Teams which are both walking and prone..."

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