Boris Woloszyn Funds Cabinet Of Curiosities Via Patreon

December 4, 2020 by brennon

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Boris Woloszyn has become quite an impressive sculptor and made a mark for himself in the industry crafting characters for Westfalia Miniatures and also Zealot's return to HeroQuest. So, his Cabinet Of Curiosities Patreon seems like a great way to get your hands on more unique creations by him!

Cabinet Of Curiosities - Boris Woloszyn Miniatures

Cabinet Of Curiosities // Boris Woloszyn Miniatures

An example of some of his most recent work is above; based on a Cleric design from the earliest days of Dungeons & Dragons. This kind of miniature is a good indicator of what's coming up from Boris but there could be all manner of interesting and unique miniatures coming to the fore!

Dragon - Boris Woloszyn Miniatures

Dragon // Boris Woloszyn Miniatures

When you back the Patreon you will get one hand-sculpted 32mm miniature each month in fine quality resin plus an insight into how the miniature came to be. You'll also be able to offer feedback and partake in a discussion which looks at what miniature is going to be next!

January will mark the beginning of this process and should make for a year of fascinating miniatures!

Are you going to be checking out this Cabinet Of Curiosities?

"...there could be all manner of interesting and unique miniatures coming to the fore!"

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