Flags Of War Bring Border Wars Wargame To Kickstarter!

May 25, 2022 by brennon

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Flags Of War has hit up Kickstarter with their new miniature wargame, Border Wars: Under A Reiver Moon! Delve into some 16th Century skirmishes with a new set of rules AND some miniatures to go alongside them.

Border Wars Under a Reiver Moon - Flags Of War

Border Wars: Under A Reiver Moon // Flags Of War

Games of Border Wars are played out between skirmish Border Clans. This period of the 1500s has been romanticised and so you'll be diving in and playing as these Border Reivers who are going to be trying to make a name for themselves in England or Scotland whilst stealing livestock, burning farmsteads and more.

Border Wars Gameplay - Flags Of War

Border Wars Gameplay // Flags Of War

When you dive into the game, you will build a Reiver Family. You start with a Heidman and then introduce additional heroes and soldiers like Houndsmen and Herdsmen. Gameplay is based around d4, d6, d8 and d10 and each character comes with their own profile card. As well as the standard ways to kick ass and take names, various characters will also come with special abilities.

The rulebook also contains a bunch of different scenarios where you will carry out raids. You will clash with opposing Reivers and then dive into games where you steal and kill livestock whilst also harassing the poor civilians who find themselves caught in the middle.

Pledge Options & Stretch Goals

When it comes to backing the campaign, you can start out with a set of rules alongside the game cards. This is if you already have the miniatures!

Border Wars Under a Reiver Moon Rules - Flags Of War

Border Wars: Under a Reiver Moon - Rules // Flags Of War

If you want to get yourself some new miniatures then you can also get yourself a proper Reiver Warband.

Border Wars Under a Reiver Moon Miniatures - Flags Of War

Border Wars: Under A Reiver Moon - Miniatures // Flags Of War

There are five mounted Reivers alongside eight Reivers on foot. The first phase of miniatures has already been finished and they will be available in metal. White Dragon Miniatures are going to be handling the printing of the base miniatures which will then be cast by Griffin Moulds. All of the painted miniatures you see here were done by Andrew Taylor.

If you want all of that good stuff then you can buy the Starter Set which comes with the rules and the miniatures.

Border Wars Under a Reiver Moon Starter Set - Flags Of War

Border Wars: Under A Reiver Moon - Starter Set // Flags Of War

Stretch Goals have also been added into the mix for those who have backed this campaign. We start with something fun like the Envoy's Lackey who seems like he has got the short end of the stick.

Envoys Lackey - Flags Of War

Envoy's Lackey // Flags Of War

There are some fun miniatures for you to check out but then there is also this fellow who got unlocked recently!

Border Farmer - Flags Of War

Border Farmer // Flags Of War

From lackeys through to farmers. Who wouldn't want to dive into this collection and start doing some Border Reiver...ing. More miniatures are going to be added as the campaign continues and there are around fifteen days left on the campaign as of writing this piece.

Are you going to be giving this game a go?

"...who wouldn't want to dive into this collection and start doing some Border Reiver...ing"

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