The Formorians Join Warp’s 3D Printing Patreon This Month

July 5, 2022 by brennon

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Warp Miniatures continues to produce a range of awesome 3D Printable miniatures for use in your Fantasy wargames this month! July brings forth The Formorians from their swampy kingdoms to rule over the kingdoms of men once more!

The Fomorians - Warp Miniatures

The Formorians // Warp Miniatures

This first set of Formorian Warriors comes with a whole bunch of bits for making a neat warband. You get a lot of different bitz for making the various warriors, armed as they are with all manner of eldritch weapons and clad in archaic armour. The neat variety amongst the weapons means you can make quite a diverse unit.

Fomorian #1 - Warp Miniatures

Fomorian #2 - Warp Miniatures

Fomorian #3 - Warp Miniatures

Formorian Examples // Warp Miniatures

As you can see, the 3D prints are coming out particularly nicely! They seem crisp and packed with detail. The Formorians are a faction that I reckon a lot of folks have always been tempted by but never dived into. Well, this new warband might spark some inspiration. I could see them working in all manner of different skirmish wargames for example.

You'll also note that the warband is led by a nefarious Formorian Hag. She could be the focal point of your warband and perhaps the "Wizard" if you were using these for the likes of Frostgrave.

Could you be tempted to print these out at home this month?

"You'll also note that the warband is led by a nefarious Formorian Hag..."

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