Help A Ukrainian Sculptor With Westfalia’s Герої – The Heroes

October 19, 2022 by brennon

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Westfalia Miniatures are back on Kickstarter with a fantastic project aiming to help a Ukrainian sculptor called Roman Hryhoriev. For helping out with this funding effort, you'll get your hands on some epic new 32mm Fantasy heroes and monsters for use in your tabletop games.

The Heroes - Westfalia Miniatures

Герої - The Heroes Kickstarter // Westfalia Miniatures

Originally planned for 2023, this campaign has been brought forward to help Roman who is still in Ukraine living through the war every day. As Westfalia has said, living in a war zone is a soul-destroying experience and so this campaign aims to make a little bit of a difference.

Roman - Westfalia Miniatures

Roman // Westfalia Miniatures

So how does this help Roman? Roman will receive the full payment for the miniatures sculpted for this campaign. He will also retain reproduction rights for his sculpts. Lastly, he will also get 35% of the profits after the expenses have been deducted.

There are four heroes that are included with the pledge for the game plus an additional Stretch Goal "thug" that fits the mood and themes of this project. Additionally, you also get the impressive Tank monsters that have been sculpted by Boris Woloszyn.

The Tank - Westfalia Miniatures

The Tank // Westfalia Miniatures

You get a really awesome adventuring party with this collection and even if they didn't get used for a roleplaying game, they would be brilliant when combined with other ranges to build up armies and such.

The Heroes - Westfalia Miniatures

The Heroes // Westfalia Miniatures

The campaign is already going great guns and hopefully lots more folks will get involved and snap up these miniatures. I like that we've also got a little bit of lore about each of the miniatures over on the Kickstarter, offering up some ideas as to how you might use these characters in your games.

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"Westfalia Miniatures are back on Kickstarter with a fantastic project aiming to help a Ukrainian sculptor called Roman Hryhoriev..."

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