Khurasan Unleash The Neptonians On Hydra’s Retro Raygun World!

November 22, 2023 by brennon

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Khurasan Miniatures have released a new set of Pulp Sci-Fi miniatures that you could use in all manner of different games but especially Hydra Miniatures; Retro Raygun! See what you make of the dastardly Neptonians!

The Ultrafiend - Khurasan Miniatures

The Ultrafiend // Khurasan Miniatures

The Neptonians that you see here are 30mm scale miniatures that have been designed to work with the range already available from Hydra Miniatures. The rules for Retro Raygun (which you can find HERE) are story-driven and focused on narrative with a focus on those Pulp adventures that you might have popping up in comics, TV and movies throughout the middle of the 20th Century.

The idea behind The Neptonians is to provide you with a dastardly, evil faction for you to come up against when you're out there exploring the galaxy! As well as The Ultrafiend, you'll be able to get your hands on all sorts of sneaky Carnivores and the mighty Great Struglok!

The Great Struglok - Khurasan Miniatures

The Great Struglok // Khurasan Miniatures

Those human-sized fellows are definitely actors in hastily assembled costumes whilst all the budget has gone on The Great Struglok! Here's some more lore on these particular aliens and what you can expect when they hit the tabletop...

"The Neptonians are horrible carnivores living on rogue asteroid Nepton, which they pilot through the very depths of space itself! Deep within the asteroid is the chamber of the Brain Tyrant Prime, leader of the Brain Tyrant caste, who receives flight instructions from the lord of the Neptonians, the warlike UltraFiend. Sitting at his controls, the Brain Tyrant Prime is able to change the asteroid's course and even adjust speed, plotting mayhem."

There are loads more miniatures to choose from when building your Neptonian force and what's better is that Khurasan Miniatures have also made rules for them for free so you can get playing with them!

The Neptonians - Khurasan Miniatures

The Neptonians // Khurasan Miniatures

If you're into games like Retro Raygun, Pulp! or 7TV then these seem like a great addition to a collection. I love their zany rayguns, the over-the-top sculpts and the fact that they just seem to invite you to paint them in bright, poppy colours.

All of these miniatures are available now and can slot right into Retro Raygun!

"f you're into games like Retro Raygun, Pulp! or 7TV then these seem like a great addition to a collection..."

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