Modiphius Unleash Super Mutants Into The World Of Fallout

February 17, 2020 by brennon

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Modiphius has been throwing a few more elements into the mix for the world of Fallout and Wasteland Warfare. The focus, for now, is on a band of angry Super Mutants who are looking to stomp on anyone who dares get in their way.

Fallout Super Mutants #1 - Modiphius

If you're looking for some rather powerful individuals then you might want to take a look at the Overlord & Fist set which gives you two rather insane looking characters. If you're looking for some awesome commanders to take control of your Super Mutant force then these would be a good shout. Clad in makeshift armour and wielding some pretty insane guns, these are some rather cool looking leaders.

You also have the named Overlord Fist in this set...

"Fist is a notable example of an Overlord - equally happy to kill at range or up close. Fist happily mulches the enemy using his minigun, shredding the soon-to-be food with high calibre firepower. All the while he toys with his prey, taunting and goading them into his line of fire. Anyone brave (or more likely foolish) enough to rise to his mocking shouts will be sliced and diced with the same weapon - this time with the vicious spikes and bladed barrels roughly welded to its rotating maw."

So, if you're looking to dive in and pick up something fun for the world of Fallout then you might want to snag these folks and the Super Mutant Skirmishers.

Fallout Super Mutants #2 - Modiphius

If you're interested in smashing stuff up in melee then this would be a fun set for you to sap up. I really like the idea of painting up Super Mutants for the world of Fallout as they would be at once rather easy to work on but also quite technical too. I reckon you could get away with a brighter scheme for the skin and then really get stuck in with the rust for the armour and weapons.

I think that you could potentially even work a bit of blood into the mix too. Splash some blood on the weapons and perhaps on the ground and you'd be able to show the Super Mutants seriously getting into the thick of the fighting.

3D Printing Goodness

As well as the miniatures above you can also download an STL file from Modiphius too. This is where the Pre-War APC comes in...

APC - Modiphius

So, obviously you'll need to get your own 3D Printer in the mix in order to get this to the tabletop but this does give you a fun option if you're up for tinkering with new technology. It's neat that some of these bigger pieces are being worked on in a digital sense so that they can get them out there to the masses a little easier.

Are you going to be snapping up some of these releases?

"I really like the idea of painting up Super Mutants for the world of Fallout as they would be at once rather easy to work on but also quite technical too..."

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