Plastic Werewolves & Sneakfeet Join Wargames Atlantic’s Range

June 10, 2024 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic has got two big plastic sets for you to dive into and scoop up for use in your 28mm tabletop games. We start with some snarling killers and a set of plastic Werewolves which you could use in all sorts of neat Horror/Fantasy adventures.

Werewolves - Wargames Atlantic

Werewolves // Wargames Atlantic

The set comes with enough components to make twenty hard plastic Werewolves. These would be excellent for the likes of The Silver Bayonet but also the plethora of Fantasy skirmish games out there. You could also use these to enhance your roleplaying miniature collection.

Werewolves Sprue #2 - Wargames Atlantic

Werewolves Sprue // Wargames Atlantic

Werewolves Sprue #1 - Wargames Atlantic

You get lots of great options to play with on the sprue and you can mix and match the heads as you see fit. One of the tough design elements when bringing Werewolves to life is that you need to get the proportions balanced. I think that Wargames Atlantic has done a great job here and all credit to Thieu Duong for the sculpting!

Werewolves Painted - Wargames Atlantic

Werewolves (Painted) // Wargames Atlantic

As someone who plays Werewolf The Apocalypse/Forsaken, I think it could be fun to get this plastic set and paint up the various Werewolves to match the players from my campaigns. You could go through and, with the addition of some kitbashing here and there, illustrate each of the major Tribes from the roleplaying game. That might be a fun little hobby task!

Hungry Sneakfeet!

As well as the awesome Werewolves, we also have this set of Sneakfeet. If you're someone who misses the addition of Ratlings in your Warhammer 40,000 games, you've now got some new options to consider.

Sneakfeet - Wargames Atlantic

Sneakfeet // Wargames Atlantic

This set introduces another twenty-four miniatures to your collection, expanding the Death Fields range. These are another of the miniature sets from Wargames Atlantic that have made the transition from digital to physical (and more importantly, plastic!). The set comes with options for arming your Sneakfeet with sniper rifles and submachine guns.

Sneakfeet Sprue #1 - Wargames Atlantic

Sneakfeet Sprue // Wargames Atlantic

Sneakfeet Sprue #2 - Wargames Atlantic

The set also comes with all manner of head options allowing you to customise your squads however you see fit. You also have a mixture of different accessories for making more characterful leaders in your squads. There is even a frying pan because someone needs to cook the food whilst you're scouting ahead into the wilderness.

Sneakfeet Painted - Wargames Atlantic

Sneakfeet (Painted) // Wargames Atlantic

This is a wonderful selection of miniatures and it's great to see them join the Death Fields range. You've now got a whole bunch of great options for filling out the specialist portion of your Imperial Guard army of old. I quite like the idea of someone running quite a lot of these Halflings and perhaps arming them with different weapons. That way you could have a full pint-sized army!

What do you make of the new plastic sets from Wargames Atlantic?

"You could go through and, with the addition of some kitbashing here and there, illustrate each of the major Tribes from the Werewolf roleplaying game"

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