Tor Gaming’s C’thu Kickstarter Now Customs Friendly + Big New Prime!

January 19, 2016 by brennon

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Tor Gaming's C'thu Faction Kickstarter is now Customs Friendly meaning that wherever you are in the world you wont be facing a terrible customs charge at the end of it. On top of that shipping charges have also gone down as well.

EU Friendly

To illustrate this we have this little reminder above from Tor Gaming. I think this is great and as the Kickstarter powers on it should bring in some more backers. As well as that they've just got back their 3D prints of the rather massive Prime which will be leading your C'thu into battles.

Prime (Front)

Prime (Rear)

Do you reckon that you will be backing this campaign now that you know they've tweaked the customs charges?

Go and check out the campaign above...

"I think this is great and as the Kickstarter powers on it should bring in some more backers..."

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