Wargames Atlantic Release New Historical & Fantasy Packs

January 16, 2023 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic have added a new set of Historical and Fantasy releases to their collection over on Only-Games. Kicking things off, we have some World War II Resistance Fighters who are looking decidedly cool.

Female French Resistance - Wargames Atlantic

Female French Resistance // Wargames Atlantic

The set comes with a neat collection of ladies armed with a variety of weapons that they have "liberated" from occupying forces. I really like how awesome the lady in the top right looks, lighting a cigarette in the aftermath of the battle. The lady on the back of her bike is also pretty epic. Imagine her rolling down the street taking potshots at enemy soldiers!

If you want to stage a bit of unrest then you could also have a look at Lawrence Of Arabia and something of an Arab Revolt!

Lawrence And The Arab Revolt - Wargames Atlantic

Lawrence And The Arab Revolt // Wargames Atlantic

You can use this fellow as a way to support the Arabs in a fight against the Ottoman Empire. Wargames Atlantic has mentioned that you could use the World War I Germans from their collection with Ottoman Turk heads, to create their enemies. The set comes with four different takes on Lawrence for battling in the Middle East.

Next up, we are going back to the Medieval period with a look at some European Peasants who are also staging their own kind of revolt.

European Peasants - Wargames Atlantic

European Peasants // Wargames Atlantic

This set comes with a band of miscreants that are probably quite annoyed that someone has decided to mess up their land. You could use these as grumbling folks who have decided to fight back when you decide to raid their land. The chap with the staff is certainly their leader and the fellow with the bow is my favourite. I also like the lady saving the ale in the bottom middle of the image.

There are also some awesome-looking Classic Fantasy Orcs that have been added to the mix if you wanted to tweak your collection or perhaps start a warband.

Classic Fantasy Orcs - Wargames Atlantic

Classic Fantasy Orcs // Wargames Atlantic

The set comes with a band of spearmen as well as scimitar-wielding individuals and bowmen. These would be a brilliant way to build on the existing Fantasy range that Wargames Atlantic already create and play out some fun Tolkien-esque games on the tabletop.

Make sure to check these out over on Only-Games and get them snapped up!

"If you want to stage a bit of unrest then you could also have a look at Lawrence Of Arabia and something of an Arab Revolt!"

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