Warploque Bring Dark Dwarves & Undead To Patreon This Month

September 3, 2021 by brennon

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Warploque Miniatures has been showing off their newest selection of 3D Printing offerings for Patreon backers this month. The focus this month is on a band of 32mm Dark Dwarfs and also some 10mm Undead Pirates so you're well served when it comes to Fantasy!

September 2021 Patreon - Warploque Miniatures

September 2021 Patreon // Warploque Miniatures

Both sets of releases this month are something a little different which is always nice to see. When it comes to those Dwarf Dwarves, these would be perfect for starting up a skirmishing warband. They look suitably evil enough without playing around with the Babylonian aesthetic.

Dark Dwarven Cabal - Warploque Miniatures

Dark Dwarven Cabal // Warploque Miniatures

They look more in line with the way that Chaos Warriors looked back in the old days. I love those quirky beaky helmets in particular. This is just part one of their release too so expect more to be dropping later this year in October.

If you prefer to play your games in 10mm scale when you might want to take a peek at the Undead Pirates here.

Undead Pirates - Warploque Miniatures

Undead Pirates // Warploque Miniatures

Who could say no to a band of deadly pirates who met their fate on the high seas and are now seeking revenge against those that put them there? This first set of releases looks to offer up a good selection of core troops for a 10mm army. I really, really like the rats that you get in this set though. I think it's cool to think that the critters onboard are now turned to the task of hunting down the pirate's foes!

Are you liking these new releases on Patreon from Warploque Miniatures this month?

"I think it's cool to think that the critters onboard are now turned to the task of hunting down the pirate's foes!"

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