Explore A Weird Minis Range Inspired By Hieronymus Bosch!

February 27, 2023 by brennon

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Meridian Miniatures' Andrew May has come back to Kickstarter this week with a new range of miniatures inspired by the quirky art of Hieronymus Bosch. The Flemish artist has been quite the inspiration for them and now you too can add these to your Fantasy wargames.

Hieronymus Bosch Tabletop Miniatures - Meridian Miniatures

Hieronymus Bosch Kickstarter // Meridian Miniatures

Some of the most iconic images by Bosch have been picked to be sculpted and could now end up being strange monsters, companions and more in your Fantasy games. All of the miniatures are 28mm in scale so they should work with the likes of Frostgrave, Verrotwood and all of the other strange games out there that have an edge to them.

Bosh Inspired Miniatures #1 - Meridian Miniatures

Bosch Inspired Miniatures // Meridian Miniatures

May has been able to bring the list of miniatures down to ten from dozens and dozens of illustrations. The idea is that these miniatures have been picked because they would translate well with the standard wargaming scale of 28mm.

Bosh Inspired Miniatures #2 - Meridian Miniatures

Bosch Inspired Miniatures // Meridian Miniatures

Bosh Inspired Miniatures #3 - Meridian Miniatures

May has also pointed out that the illustrations were brought to life some 500 years ago and so translating some of them into miniatures has been a challenge. To that end, some of the miniatures are single piece whilst others are cast in multiple pieces and will feature very small and fragile elements. You'll want to be careful when it comes to putting these miniatures together.

Being hand-sculpted, these miniatures will also only be available as resin castings. There are no 3D Printing options. The focus is on delivering these miniatures and that's it. Simple. So, if you want some oddities to add to your collection then how about having a peek at these?

Which is your favourite from this wild collection?

"Being hand-sculpted, these miniatures will also only be available as resin castings..."

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