Wyrm Forge Bring Champions Of Hyperborea To Life

February 16, 2023 by brennon

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Wyrm Forge are going to be coming to Kickstarter in the next couple of weeks with their new Champions Of Hyperborea campaign. Featuring sculpts from the ever-awesome Boris Woloszyn, this is going to be a hard one to skip out on!

Champions Of Hyperborea - Wyrm Forge

Champions Of Hyperborea // Wyrm Forge

A few of the miniatures from the campaign have been featured already including some particularly musclebound warriors carrying a whole host of different weapons. I love the fellow with the mighty nose hefting around that sword and spear. The chap with the mighty fine beard and axe is also rather snazzy!

You've also got mighty creations like this fellow! Who wouldn't want to go dinosaur hunting with a chap who has managed to kill a triceratops and use its skull as a helmet?

Monster - Champions Of Hyperborea

Preview // Champions Of Hyperborea

I feel like that raptor has seen better days too. The miniatures are, as always, looking great but we wouldn't have expected anything less from Boris Woloszyn. More previews are available for you to check out on Boris' Facebook Page if you're interested in getting a sneak peek at what's coming down the pipeline.

As well as miniatures, it looks like we're also going to be getting rules for using them in an arena of death too!

Could you be tempted by Champions Of Hyperborea?

"...it looks like we're also going to be getting rules for using them in an arena of death too!"

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