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Bolt Action Durham Light Infantry


I bought a box of British Infantry for Bolt Action awhile ago and I wanted to paint them up as a Durham Light Infantry unit because this was my late Grandad’s regiment. I don’t know much about my Grandad’s experiences […]

Sculpting Old Stones


I always wanted to see if I could try my hand at sculpting but doing complicated things like the human form seemed a bit out of my reach so I thought I'd play to my strengths and try sculpting historical […]

Squad 1, Platoon 3, 1st Company of the 107th Infantry Regiment of the 39th Orvieto Infanty Division


A unit for NUTS!, the WWII squad based game, this is my first squad made from a box of Wargames Atlantic Italian Infantry. The Regiment and division number and name are made up, for the record.

Nottingham Shire Hall Build


An experimental project quick and done and recorded here. Its an attempt at a 3D print project from scratch to recreate a building from the past.

Silk Road Traders: A Game of Ancient Chinese Commerce


Silk Road Traders is a strategic board game where players assume the roles of merchants traveling along the ancient trade routes of China. The game is set during the height of the Tang Dynasty, when the Silk Road and other […]

Getting started with WW2


Oke, everybody is always talking about the projecsts. So lets give it a try. I started with 0200 hours, got the starter, and played 1 solo game and 1 normal game. I realy like it.

The Baron’s War retinue


This is my Baron's war retinue from Footsore miniatures. It consists of the prebuilt retinue with a few extra models added to provide some narrative flavour. I have also started work on some terrain to build up a gaming board […]

Burma British 1944/45


An attempt to complete an entire new 20mm WW2 Army for the spring clean challenge!

For King and Christmas


I started this as a Christmas Holiday Project but it trailed off as the year picked up, time to get it finished before the mid year holidays so I can game with it. This is the Scots Covenanter Set, I […]

Re Return to Rio Morpork


I promised thes photos to Gerry couple of years back, and with a return of Interest to Westerns I thought I'd finally dig the box out and Dust it off. There will also be some new items, as have got […]

Painting Border Reivers…and their Wee Toun


My doomed attempt to get my core set of Border Reiver miniatures from Flags of War painted up. I basically got sidetracked by building up a small ferm toun (farm town to any non-Scots out there) and also building a […]

Dredd to Thieftakers Volume 2- VICTORIANS


Last year I did a project converting the early 80s Judge Dredd board game by Ian Livingstone into an historical game. Instead of Judges and comic book villains I changed it to Georgian thieftakers and real life crimes and criminals […]

The Once and Future King—Foundry Arthurian Cavalry


This Spring I am painting projects that have sat on my desk for many years. One of those is a set of twelve Wargames Foundry Arthurian cavalry figures. I have been excited about these figures since they came out. I […]

Blood on the Sands – a game of gladiatorial combat


I've been developing my gladiator game, Blood on the Sands, for over 10 years, on and off. The game puts players in the role of gladiators fighting for their lives in the provincial arenas of ancient Rome. While there are […]

Returning to Gangs of Rome


Time to try out the newly revised Gangs of War rules. I'll play through the three basic scenarios using the sample gangs provided in the rules. I'll also most likely try out some (if not all) of the advanced rules […]

Its late, its 02 hundred hours


I had pre ordered this when it came out and assembled the miniatures from the box, primed them and then put them away. I thought now would be a good time to paint them up, I haven't painted anything historical […]

Vikings preparing for the raiding season


I bought a Sally 4th Kickstarter last summer that consisted of vikings attacking some monks. They've sat in the box that they arrived in ever since. Let's see if I can get them painted in time for the Spring Clean […]

IDF – Sho´t tank company


Back in 2021 I started an infantry company for Team Yankee which I never finished. IDF mechanized company Its been a long time now but now I want to use the spring clean challange to get back on the project. […]

PanzerKaput’s Clash of Katanas/Test of Honour Japans


I have fallen back on a long love of mine Japanese Warfare and the game Test of Honour. Since the new series of Shotgun has hit TV my local club, Leicester Phat Cats, has started to get into this game […]

To the Trenches! Chain of Command


Recently have been able to get a regular number of games of Chain of Command in and has got me back into the creative space of building more terrain. Ive started with creating sections of a Trench network.

French Napoleonic Transport


To complete transport elements for the French Napoleonic Army that has no apparent use on the wargames table.

Busl0ver’s Project Rome Spring Clean Challange Junior Member


I've owned Imperial Romans starter set by Warlord Games for years and not done much with them. Having seen Starlight start her project, my son wanted in as well. He liked the idea of building and painting some Romans.

A Knight’s Tale for Spring


I have been wanting to kickstart this for a while, and am hoping the Spring Clean Challenge will give me the motivation.

WW2 WInter Finns – Spring Cleaning 2024


A couple years back the local gaming scene discovered Bolt Action and got very excited about it. I had already been playing for years but, my primary gaming partner packed up the family and moved out of state to learn […]

L’art de la Guerre des Carthaginois


The other side of the Republican Romans for L'art de la Guerre, the Carthaginians have a bit more variety in their forces. When I put these back away, I kept the Balearic slingers out, so that might get done to […]

L’art de la guerre des Romains républicains


I wanted to play L'art de la Guerre, and do some historical stuff, and bought all these Romans (and some Carthaginians) to build and paint...I think there's a couple of horses somewhere with paint on them... Sigh, yet another project […]

Gladius Romae Sum, Belisarius


Finally I get around to actually doing the Impetus Army I've been talking about for a few years now. The Last Roman, Belisarius. This Army will primarily be for the Forces of Belisarius in North Africa and against the Sassanids. […]

I can’t stop thinking about ancient Rome – Gangs of Rome edition


Found this skirmish game on Kickstarter and took the plunge when they launched their 2nd edition. Going to build up a couple of gangs and play some games in this fun looking game.

I can’t stop thinking about ancient Rome – De Bellis Antiquitatis edition


De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) was my second ever historical wargame I've played so I've always had a soft spot for it. Years back I bought some 15mm Romans to build a Caesar vs Gaul set. I found these miniatures in […]

I can’t stop thinking about ancient Rome – SAGA edition


Getting some Punic Wars warbands ready for SAGA.

Pandy Pretends 2 Paint – Adventures in WW1 Uniform


Painting Uniforms from history can be hard, but if you ignore the haters. I can teach you have to get it battle ready.

VERDUN – If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)


I managed to get some new miniatures from Pandyman Entertainment. These are their new German and French Starter Forces.

Digging the Trenches


This is a project I have been working on for Pandyman Entertainment's game Trench Offensive. I have built the terrain from scratch, using foam, coffee stirrers and cardboards. I have built trenches before and this will add to my collection […]

Bolt Action Barbarossa to Berlin.


My pal Justin (The man behind 'the Ministry of Miniature' and not Mr McAulay of OTT fame) and I have started our most ambitious ambitious gaming project so far. The brief is to design, set up and play a series […]

Chosen Man


Normally just post projects around GW related stuff that I paint and very occasionally play, but this one is a very rare foray into "Historical" Miniature painting... Well, if we can call ITV's 90's smash hit TV show Sharpe historical! […]

Baixe Toques Gratuitos para Dispositivos Móveis Android


Os dispositivos móveis tornaram-se uma parte essencial de nossas vidas, e personalizá-los de acordo com nossas preferências é uma maneira de tornar a experiência ainda mais única. Um dos elementos mais personalizáveis em um dispositivo Android é o toque. Trocar […]

And then they came, a troop of horse appearing out of the smoke


“And then they came, a troop of horse appearing out of the smoke, great shadows magnified by the sun behind them. Forty horsemen, they came out of the yellow and red sulphurous gloom, a host of shapeshifting spectres, barghest wraiths […]

Legends of the Frontier


I've been working my way through the legends of the oldwest collection. Now the Alamo has come to an end its time for some frontier skirmishers

Collins Does a German Winter Offensive


I've decided to build a winter based army and I've never previously done a German army, so lets invade the Soviet Union or have a minor disagreement with the allies in a Belgian wood.

Waelstowe – solo wargaming in the Dark Ages


Irregular stories about my attempts at solo play using my Waelstowe Rules

Dipping my toes into Napoleonics


So, I've had this itch for Napoleonics for a few years now. I think you guys are to blame for this. And Tolstoy. Him too. All the ingredients were there and now Ridley Scott has put the pan into the […]

(The) Cruel Seas


A selection of ships from Warlord Games 'Cruel Seas' range. Bit of a mix but nice to get some variety in the mainly Grey Funnel Line

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