Pledge For Printable Scenery’s Ramshackled & Ruined City Terrain

May 1, 2024 by brennon

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Printable Scenery are running a new campaign on their website for a host of excellent 3D Printable terrain for your Fantasy games. Cities Of Ramshackle & Ruin offers up a host of modular and customisable terrain.

Ramshackle & Ruin - Printable Scenery

Ramshackle & Ruin // Printable Scenery

There are three different sets that you can pledge for as part of this collection or you can get all of them if you like! The is the Ramshackle collection which comes with reasonably complete buildings that are just a little bit dilapidated. You also have the Ruins collection where the terrain has seen better days and then there is a full Port! All of these terrain pieces are the stunning STL Files from Printable Scenery that you've come to expect from them.

Stackable Terrain - Printable Scenery

Stackable Terrain // Printable Scenery

The terrain that you get in the collection can be stacked and made modular, allowing you to create some towering terrain pieces or smaller, squat buildings. You can mix and match the levels amongst the collection to make different buildings each time you set up the tabletop.

Each of the terrain sets also comes with customisable corbels (fun new word for the day) which allow you to add some more personalisation to your buildings. Seeing these really made me think that these would fit a good Mordheim vibe or perhaps the upcoming Guards Of Traitor's Toll from Grey For Now Games.

Modular Terrain - Printable Scenery

Modular Terrain // Printable Scenery

Throughout the collection, there has also been special attention paid to making the range playable. There is plenty of space in the buildings and on the larger pieces around the port to play with your miniatures so you won't get your fingers stuck in windows and doors!

Ramshackle & Ruin Range - Printable Scenery

Ramshackle & Ruin Collection // Printable Scenery

If you're interested in getting a look at the different bundles and also some of the stretch goals that Printable Scenery has unlocked so far, make sure to head on over and check out the campaign.

Ramshackle & Ruin Range Alt - Printable Scenery

Ramshackle & Ruin Collection // Printable Scenery

The terrain has been designed to match your 32mm heroic scale wargames. When you're looking to get them printed once the campaign delivers, you'll want to use an FDM 3D printer which has a 200x200mm build plate. There are also cut-down versions for printers that are 120x120mm wide.

Let me know what you think of the new terrain from Printable Scenery!

"The terrain that you get in the collection can be stacked and made modular..."

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