Wyrd’s Vagrantsong Expansions Heading To Kickstarter

July 28, 2023 by brennon

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Wyrd Games have announced that their expansions for Vagrantsong are going to be coming to Kickstarter in the near future. You'll be able to pick up two expansions as part of their crowdfunding campaign for this ace cooperative board game.

Vagrantsong Encore - Wyrd Games

Vagrantsong: Encore // Wyrd Games

Vagrantsong is a superb narratively-driven cooperative game where you're travelling the rails and trying to deal with malevolent spirits whilst also helping others move on. The game came out last year and it has become a little bit of an under-the-radar hit, snapped up by a lot of folks thanks to the art design in the game as well as the mechanics.

The first of the expansions that you'll be able to get is Encore. A lot has been packed into this one...

  • A fourth door to open that leads to the Bridge of Leaves, a new Chapter with 5 new Scenarios, including Haints inspired by Canadian ghost stories, West Virginian cryptids, and even beekeeping folklore.
  • 6 Save Your Soul Scenarios to pull your friends back from the brink of becoming Haints themselves. Each Scenario will have players diving into a dark moment in a Vagrant’s past, and it will be up to you to remind them that we emerge stronger through the challenges we overcome.
  • Short Trip Mode gives players the opportunity to explore the Silver Ferryman in Chapter-sized chunks – each with their own new beginning and end!
  • New In-Between Cards, Skills, and Junk.
  • Baggage cards, which will inflict negative effects on you and your friends while replacing your Passive – make sure to get rid of these as soon as you might get them!
  • Turn Tracker Tokens so you don’t get lost along the way.
  • Smoky Bones, special dice that players earn and find to help turn their bad luck around.
  • And enough twists and turns to make your head spin.

I like that it throws some more alternative ways of enjoying the game into the mix. The Save Your Soul scenarios sound like they could be a lot of fun and exploring more background narrative feels like an awesome option for those who love the storytelling in Vagrantsong. Short Trip Mode also feels like a good shout, especially if you just want to show off the game to your friends in bite-sized chunks.

The second of the expansions is called Off The Rails.

Vagrant Song Off The Rails - Wyrd Games

Vagrantsong: Off The Rails // Wyrd Games

Off The Rails is a nice way for you to dive back into the encounters from Vagrantsong but with a few twists. Increased difficulty and replayability is awesome so if Vagrantsong is a hit with your group, this might be one of the expansions for you to pick up.

  • The Poison Berry Rummage Token, which can remove Haint Effects from yourself or nearby friends (for a small cost, that is!).
  • New Objectives tailored for each Vagrant called Devious Deeds that provide more character customization as Rewards. Some will give you more Humanity while others might replace your Passive altogether!
  • More Smoky Bones!
  • And a few spooky surprises along the way.

The Kickstarter Page is available for you to check out right now and if you're interested in the thinking behind the crowdfunded, Wyrd have talked more about that as part of their Blog announcing these expansions.

Could you be tempted to snap up these expansions for Vagrantsong and if so, which set are you more eager to dive into?

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"Could you be tempted to snap up these expansions for Vagrantsong?"

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